Geophysics and computer processing of geological and geophysical data

Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Geophysics and computer processing of geological and geophysical data
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor's Degree of Earth sciences
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Complete general secondary education (NQF Level 3) or higher
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Admission was based on the results of External Independent Assessment of Ukrainian language and literature, Geography or Foreign Language, History of Ukraine.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Professional qualification is assigned by a separate decision of the exam the basis of: selection of disciplines from the block of specialization of the curriculum and obtaining a positive assessment of not less than 75 points from all disciplines included in it; passing all practices that are provided by the curriculum with grades not lower than 75 p; receiving at the final attestation a grade of not less than 75 p and defense of the qualification work of a bachelor of geophysics also
Programme learning outcomes
1. Collect, process and analyze geological and geophysical information in the field of Earth sciences 2. Know and apply theories, paradigms, concepts and principles in the Earth sciences 3. Be able to conduct field, in-house and laboratory research 4. Organize and summarize materials of field and laboratory research, integrate them from observation to recognition, synthesis and modeling 5. Use information technology, cartographic and geoinformation models in the field of Earth sciences 6. Be able to perform research on geospheres using quantitative methods of analysis 7. To determine the main characteristics, processes, history and composition of the Earth as a planetary system and its geospheres 8. Justify the choice and use field and laboratory methods for the analysis of natural and anthropogenic systems and objects 9. Apply models, methods and data of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, mathematics, information technology, etc. in the study of natural processes of formation and development of geospheres 10. Know and apply theories, paradigms, concepts and principles in geophysics and in the processing of geological and geophysical information 11. Be able to choose the best methods and tools for research, data collection and processing 12. Analyze the composition and structure of geospheres (by geophysical methods) on different spatiotemporal scales 13. Be able to communicate the results of activities to a professional audience and the general public, make presentations and messages 14. Use orally and in writing the professional Ukrainian language 15. Communicate in a foreign language by profession 16. Participate in the development of projects and practical recommendations in the field of Earth sciences
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written exams, tests, differentiated tests, laboratory reports, reports on practical work, oral presentations, current control, qualifying exam in geophysics and computer processing of geological and geophysical data, defense of term papers, bachelor's thesis.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Training and production practices are conducted. Each sample component of the OPP includes special sections on computer processing of geological and geophysical data.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Viktor Onyshchuk
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"
Occupational profiles of graduates
Professional and technical activities in state geological and geophysical enterprises, in geophysical service companies, small enterprises and geological and geophysical research institutes, enterprises in the field of environmental protection.
Access to further studies
Training in master's degree programs at the second level of higher education.