Laboratory Diagnostics (Master)

Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Laboratory Diagnostics (Master)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Health care
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Presence of the first level of higher education and bachelor's degree. Categories of persons subject to special conditions of participation in the competitive selection for higher education on the basis of complete general secondary education in accordance with the Rules of Admission to the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2022.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Persons who have an educational degree of a bachelor, master or an educational and qualification level of a specialist are accepted for training to obtain a master's degree. A person can enter the University to obtain a master's degree on the basis of a bachelor's, master's or educational and qualification level of a specialist obtained in another specialty, on the condition of successful completion of the entrance examinations.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Certification is carried out in the form of a licensed integrated examination STEP and public defense of the final qualifying thesis, ends with the award of the degree Master with the assignment of an educational qualification. STEP assesses the compliance of the student's professional competence with the requirements defined by the standard, carried out by the Testing Center under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Programme learning outcomes
LO1. To use professional knowledge; formulate ideas, concepts with the purpose of using them in academic or professional work. LO2. To find solutions in professional activity, have sufficient competence in the methods of independent research, be able to interpret their results. LO3. To possess and apply the knowledge and skills of general and professional training in solving specialized problems. LO4. To analyze the results of studies of the morphological and functional state of the organism and the environment, to evaluate the significance of indicators. LO5. To argue the conclusions and identify links between modern concepts in the organization of the management process at each stage of professional activity. LO6. To assess the influence of the environment, socio-economic and biological determinants on the health status of an individual, family, population. LO7. To demonstrate the deepening of own basic knowledge through self-education, to demonstrate the ability to present and evaluate own experience, and analyze and apply the experience of colleagues, to demonstrate the ability to share experience with other professionals. LO8. To provide advisory assistance related to professional activities. To follow the requirements of job descriptions, self-improvement. The rest of the learning outcomes can be found in the Program Profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current and final control is carried out in the form of credits / differentiated credits and written or combined examinations, licensed integrated examination Step and a public defense of the final qualification thesis. The final assessment of learning outcomes is carried out according to the common 100-marks scale. The minimum threshold level of assessment for an educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of marks. The scale of marks correspondence: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 1-59 Pass 60-100 Fail 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The purpose of the educational program is the academic and professional training of a specialist who is able to solve complex problems, and problems associated with laboratory diagnosis and prevention of human diseases, or in the learning process, which involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty of requirements, and to perform work withing the qualification of Doctor-Laboratory Assistant in the field of health care. The attainment of this objective is ensured by laboratory work, specialized/profile laboratory practice, educational and vocational practice; conducting scientific work in the laboratories of the institute or research partner institutions in Ukraine and, in the exercise of the right to academic mobility, in leading educational or research institutions in other countries.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oleksandr Maievsky
Department of Clinical medicine
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
Professional activities in the field of public health, disease prevention, laboratory and functional diagnostics, employment in clinical diagnostic laboratories of various profiles, in research institutions working in the field of healthcare and in educational institutions that train relevant specialists.
Access to further studies
The possibility to enter internship, where training is carried out according to educational programs of a certain specialization of a doctor-laboratory assistant; training under the program of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education; acquisition of additional qualifications in the system of postgraduate education in accordance with applicable requirements.