Geochemistry and Mineralogy

Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Geochemistry and Mineralogy
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master's Degree of Earth sciences, Educational Program "Geochemistry and Mineralogy"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Natural sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
First cycle of higher education (NQF Level 6) or higher.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Admission was by the results of the entrance examination in a foreign language, exam in the specialty and additional entrance examinations for persons who have received a bachelor's in another specialty
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
In order to obtain a professional qualification you need: 1) study at one of the selected blocks of specializations according to the plan of preparation of masters of the educational program "Geochemistry and mineralogy"; 2) the average score of learning outcomes is not less than 75 points (on a 100-point scale); 3) grade for the qualifying final exam not less than 75 points (on a 100-point scale); 4) a score for the defense of a master's thesis of at least 75 points (on a 100-point scale).
Programme learning outcomes
To analyze the features of natural and anthropogenic systems and objects in the Earth's geospheres. To develop and manage projects in Earth sciences; to evaluate and ensure the quality of operations. To be able to carry out an environmental assessment, audit, licensing, certification of natural resources use. To know the legislative enactments of intellectual property objects. To plan and to execute scientific experiments; to write scientific papers.. To communicate with experts in different areas of knowledge. To demonstrate the abilities to adapt and act in a new situations; to propose a new ideas in the field of Earth sciences. To plan the geological works of geological research. To know then general processes of Earth’s evolution as a cosmic object. To be able to implement modern techniques of the Earth and its geospheres studying in order to identify and solve mineralogical, geochemical and petrological problems. To know a range of gemstones, semiprecious, decorative, construction and artificial stone of Ukraine and the world, its extraction, processing and implementation techniques. To identify patterns of distribution and formation of minerals in geological objects; implement methods of prospecting and evaluation of mineral deposits based on results if mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical research. To diagnose and study natural and artificial mineral material. Identify its genesis and value. To develop and implement a mechanisms of territorial management, geoplanning, carry out monitoring of regional development, prepare plans and programs. Master modern skills of diagnosis and classification principles, as well as methodology of expert evaluation of artificial, precious and semiprecious stone of Ukraine and the world. To know a principles of mineralogical and geochemical regional division of geological objects, features of its mineralogical and chemical composition, details of minerals constitution, morphology, properties and genesis.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes at the University is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the applicant corresponds to the ratio established of the level of professional and general competencies to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of assessment is 60 points. According to the results of exams, according to the results of course and diploma works (projects); based on the results of work in practice, the student is also graded on a four-point scale: “Excellent” (90 – 100%), “Good” (75 – 89%), “Satisfactory” (60 – 74%), “Unsatisfactory” (0 – 59%). If the final exam is not conducted in the disciplines, the results of the applicant’s work are evaluated on a 2-point scale: “Passed” (60 – 100%) or “Fail” (0 – 59%).
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Acquired knowledge and skills are consolidated in Pre-graduation Practicе (5 ECTS credits), Assistant Practice (3 ECTS credits), Research Practice on Specialization (5 ECTS credits) and Research Training on Specialization (5 ECTS credits).
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Serhii Shnyukov
Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrography
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates have the opportunity to work in positions related to the study of the composition and structure of matter in geological enterprises, service companies, services of mining companies, other scientific and research organizations.
Access to further studies
Access to PhD programs (a Doctor of Philosophy) at the Third Cycle of Higher Education. Has the right to acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system.