Intellectual Property

Education and Research Law School

Intellectual Property
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Based on the results of Uniform Qualifying Entrance Examination.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
The first (Bachelor's) level of higher education in specialties 081 "Law" and 293 "International Law".
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
If a student chooses one of the selected blocks of disciplines of the curriculum of a particular educational program, passes all forms of control, defends practice and qualification work, passes the final certification with a score not lower than "65", the student may be awarded the professional qualification of a lawyer by a special decision of the examination board.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO1. Evaluate the nature and content of social processes and phenomena, and show understanding of the boundaries and mechanisms of their legal regulation. PLO2. Correlate the modern system of civilizational values with legal values, principles and professional ethical standards. PLO3. Collect materials from various sources, including scientific and professional literature, databases and digital resources, conduct an integrated analysis and generalization of these materials and verify their credibility using modern research methods. PLO4. Present individual research on a legal topic, using original sources and techniques of legal interpretation of complex problems arising from the study, justify conclusions. PLO5. Be fluent in a foreign language (one of the official languages of the Council of Europe) both orally and in writing. PLO6. Formulate a personal reasoned legal position, be able to oppose, evaluate evidence and provide persuasive arguments. PLO7. Discuss complex legal issues, suggest and substantiate ways of solving them. PLO8. Evaluate the credibility of information and the reliability of sources, effectively process and apply information for research and practical activities. PLO9. Generate new ideas and use modern technologies in providing legal services. PLO10. Analyze the interaction of international law and international legal systems with the legal system of Ukraine on the basis of understanding of the main modern legal doctrines, values and principles of the functioning of law. PLO11. Apply advanced knowledge and methods to the process of lawmaking and law enforcement of the institutions of public and private law of criminal justice. PLO12. Conduct a comparative legal analysis of individual legal institutions of various legal systems, taking into account the relationship of the legal system of Ukraine with the legal systems of the Council of Europe and the European Union. PLO13. Analyze and evaluate the practice of applying specific legal institutions. PLO14. Substantiate the legal position at different stages of law enforcement. PLO15. Possess practical skills in solving problems related to the performance of the procedural functions of the subjects of law enforcement. PLO16. Participate productively in the development of draft laws, substantiate the social conditionality of their adoption, predict the results of their impact on relevant social relations. PLO17. Integrate the necessary knowledge and solve complex problems of law enforcement in various fields of professional activity.
Form of study
External form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Examination is carried out in accordance with the content of the work program (Syllabus) of the discipline. Rating scale: "Excellent" – 90-100; "Good" – 75-89; "Satisfactory" – 60-74; "Unsatisfactory" – 0-59.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
This component is available to students in the learning process subject to an agreement between the University and the student, as well as the coordination of parallel studies in several higher education institutions with subsequent transferring of study grades and scores.
Work placement
It is mandatory to undergo research practice at the Education and Research Law School as well as training at public authorities and local self-government bodies; in the prosecutor's office; in the judiciary; at enterprises, institutions and organizations – in accordance with the chosen topic of qualification work.
Work-based learning
On general terms.
Director of the course
Hanna Z. Ostapenko
Intellectual Property and Information Law Department
Education and Research Law School
Occupational profiles of graduates
Workplaces in enterprises, institutions, organisations of all forms of ownership and management, public authorities, bodies of local self-government, patent offices and law firms, legal associations, notary offices, police, prosecuting, and judicial authorities.
Access to further studies
There is an opportunity of further study to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the implementation of the relevant educational and scientific program, preparation and public defense of the dissertation in a Specialized Academic Council.