Educational and professional program “Civil Service”

Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Educational and professional program “Civil Service”
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Public Administration and Administration in the educational program “Civil Service”
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Public management and administration
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
There are no special reception conditions
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Existence of bachelor's / master's / specialist's degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
By a separate decision of the examination commission, the professional qualification of "state expert" may be assigned, subject to compliance with the following requirements: selection of a specialized block of disciplines from the curriculum, level of mastery of optional disciplines (from the list) with grades of at least 75 points; obtaining at least 75 points for the defense of the master's qualification thesis; not less than 75 points for passing production practice
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 01. To know the theoretical and applied principles of development and analysis of public policy, the foundations and technologies of management decision-making. PLO 02. To solve complex tasks of public management and administration, taking into account the requirements of legislation, to identify legal conflicts and problems, to develop projects of regulatory and legal acts to eliminate them. PLO 03. Know the basic principles of national security and be able to warn and neutralize challenges and threats to the national interests of Ukraine within the limits of their professional competence. PLO 04. Use modern statistical methods, models, digital technologies, specialized software to solve complex problems of public management and administration. PLO 05. Determine the priority directions for the introduction of e-governance and the development of e-democracy. PLO 06. Carry out effective management of innovations, resources, risks, projects, changes, quality, apply modern models, approaches and technologies, international experience in the design and reorganization of management and general organizational structures. PLO 07. Be able to develop national/regional program documents on the development of public administration, using systemic analysis and an integrated approach, as well as teamwork methods.
Form of study
External form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Assessment: written exams, differentiated assessment, seminars and scientific reports with assessment of achievements, essays, presentations of independent research, test papers, reports on production practice, the Unified State Qualification Examination, defense of the master's qualification thesis with the participation of scientists from other universities. The master's thesis is subject to obligatory examination for academic plagiarism - at the stage of admission to the defense. When checking the qualification work of the master (hereinafter - the Work), the person responsible for the quality of the academic text is the supervisor. If the Work contains intentional textual distortions, alleged attempts to conceal borrowings or other manifestations of academic plagiarism, the Work together with a copy of the similarity report (.pdf file) is returned to the higher education author for revision with the possibility of re-submission to the Supervisor.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Mandatory production practice (hereinafter - practice). The practice is aimed at forming the necessary amount of practical knowledge and skills in public authorities, their territorial bodies, regional, city council, district state administrations, representative and executive bodies of local government, public organizations, political parties and their branches, enterprises in public institutions areas in accordance with the agreements concluded between them and the university. The internship is conducted in parallel with the implementation of the relevant master's thesis. In terms of content and purpose, the practice is professionally oriented. During the internship, students gain experience in combining management methods, research work, professional qualities
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Nataliia Ivanivna Obushna
Department of Public Policy
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service
Occupational profiles of graduates
The Master of Public Administration and Administration (Civil Service) is prepared to work in the following positions: central and local public authorities; in local governments; in the structures of non-state actors of civil society and public organizations; in managerial positions and positions of specialists at enterprises, institutions and organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership; in managerial and administrative positions in international organizations and their representations in Ukraine.
Access to further studies
A person who has completed the educational and professional program “Civil Service” and obtained a master's degree can continue his studies at the third (doctoral) educational and scientific level of higher education, improve their professional skills and obtain postgraduate education