Sociology (with English language of instruction)

Faculty of Sociology

Sociology (with English language of instruction)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Sociology
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Completed higher education with bachelor degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Full implementation of the curriculum with grades of at least 60 points. Passing of all practices with marks not less than 60 points. Defense of the master's thesis with a score of at least 60 points. Thesises containing plagiarism are not allowed to be defended. Certification is carried out in the form of protection of the master's qualification work and ends with the issuance of a document on the award of a master's degree with the award of a master's degree in sociology.
Programme learning outcomes
PO01. Analyze social phenomena and processes using empirical data and modern concepts and theories of sociology. PO02. To diagnose and interpret the social problems of Ukrainian society and the world community, their causes and consequences. PO03. Develop and implement social and interdisciplinary projects taking into account social, economic, legal, environmental and other aspects of public life. PO04. Apply scientific knowledge, sociological and statistical methods, digital technologies, specialized software to solve complex problems of sociology and related fields of knowledge. PO05. Search, analyze and evaluate the necessary information in the scientific literature, data banks and other sources. PO06. Fluently communicate orally and in writing in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages when discussing professional issues, research and innovation in the field of sociology and related sciences, including in the context of cooperation with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions. PO07. Solve ethical dilemmas in accordance with the norms of professional ethics of the sociologist and universal values. PO08. It is clear and unambiguous to convey knowledge, own conclusions and arguments on sociology and related fields of knowledge to professionals and non-specialists, in particular to students. PO09. Plan and perform research in the field of sociology, analyze the results, justify the conclusions. PO10. Teach sociological and related disciplines in educational institutions. PO11. Summarize the results of their own research and present them in scientific reports, publications. PO12. Be able to use the latest methods of collecting and analyzing sociological information to solve practical problems in a justified way. PO13. Be able to reasonably apply modern methods of sociological research data processing, application packages for data processing and visualization of results PO14. Be able to use sociological information to ensure effective communication with representatives of various social organizations. PO15. Be able to use sociological theories in scientific and professional activities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Assessment of students' academic achievements is carried out according to the ECTS system. Final control - exams, pass-exams and graded pass-exams, taking into account the accumulated points of routine control. Final certification is a public defense of the master's qualification thesis. Rating scale Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Poor Failed 0-59 Passed 60-100 Not credited Fail 0-59 Adherence to academic integrity in the preparation and defense of master's theses carried out in accordance with the REGULATIONS on the system of detection and prevention of academic plagiarism at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Rector's Order №197-32 of March 10, 2020).
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The program includes compulsory teaching practice and compulsory research practice at the leading companies in the field (Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, Kantar-TNS, etc).
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Taras Volodymyrovych Tsymbal
Department of Theory and History of Sociology
Faculty of Sociology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs in companies, small businesses and institutes of research and consulting sector in the field of social research (sociologist - researcher, research quality assurance, commerce)
Access to further studies
Third cycle of academic education (Ph.D.)