Ukrainian Language

Course: Sociology (with English language of instruction)

Structural unit: Faculty of Sociology

Ukrainian Language
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 Know the rules of pronunciation of sounds of Ukrainian language, basic intonation constructions and communicative formulas of Ukrainian language within the studied topics. 1.2 Know the vocabulary within the studied communicative. 1.3 To have basic knowledge of Ukrainian grammar within the studied topics. 2.1 Correctly read words, phrases; correctly intonate sentences. 2.2 Correctly form and use grammatical forms of words and lexical and grammatical constructions of Ukrainian language 2.3 Understand information from simple oral texts within the studied topics. 3.1 Implement basic communicative intentions in Ukrainian (ask and answer questions about address, place of residence, time, plans for the future, weather, life, age, attitude to someone or something, etc.). 3.2 To keep up a basic conversation with an interlocutor. 4.1 Ability to make independent decisions of academic and practical nature and be responsible for them.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Proficiency in English at a level sufficient for communication in classes.
Course content
1. Alphabet. Vowels а, о, у. Letters я, ю. Vowels е, и. Pronunciation and spelling of Ukrainian vowels є, і, ї. Ukrainian consonants. Ukrainian consonants дж, дз. Pronunciation of Ukrainian hushing sounds. Vowels after hushing consonants ж, ч, ш, дж, щ and й. Apostrophe. Letter combination йо. Use of emphasis. Intonation constructions. Quantitative and ordinal numbers. 2. Noun: beings, non-beings. Gender of noun: masculine, feminine, neuter. Noun number: singular, plural. Adjective. Matching an adjective with a noun in gender and number. Pronoun. Indicative pronouns. 3. Verb. Infinitive form of verb. Verb tenses. Use of verbs in the present tense. The first and second conjugations. Forms of past tense verbs. The concept of grammatical category of verb type: imperfect and perfect types. Use of verbs in the future tense. 4. Cases. Locative case in singular and plural. 5. The genitive case in singular and plural. 6. Accusative case in singular and plural.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Вінницька В. М., Голов’яшина Л. С., Плющ Н. П. Українська мова як іноземна (початковий курс). К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2002. 2. Гримич М., Непийвода Н., Різун В. Українська мова щодня: Початковий рівень: Навчальний посібник. К.: Заповіт, 1998. 160 с. 3. Єщенко Н. Практичний курс української мови: усне мовлення. Навчальний посібник для іноземних студентів. К.: Фенікс, 2016. 207 с. 4. Ніколаєва Н. С., Невойт В. І., Любчевська – Сокур В. О., Овдіюк В. В., Ситник О. О., Черепаха Л. Л. Практична граматика української мови для іноземців. Навчальний посібник. К.: Четверта хвиля, 2020. 212 с. 5. Ukrainian for beginners. Українська для студентів-іноземців (початковий рівень): навчальний посібник / Волкова О.М., Ворона Н.О., Голованенко Є.О. та ін.; за ред. Т.О. Дегтярьової. Суми: ПФ «Видавництво «Університетська книга»», 2020. 304 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical classes, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers on practical classes - 15/9 points. 2. Written lexical and grammar exercises - 15/9 points. 3. Two midterm tests - 30/18 points. Final assessment - exam.
Language of instruction


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