
Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Computer Science
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Information technologies
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale Excellent 90-100 % Good 75-89 % Satisfactory 60-74 % Fail 0-59 % Passed 60-100 % Fail 0-59 %
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Students are required to take internships.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Liudmyla L. Omelchuk
Theory and Technology of Programming
Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Algebra and Geometry
Code: ОК.10,
Basics of Operations Research
Code: ОК.28,
Mathematical Logic
Code: ОК.14 ,
Object-oriented programming
Code: ОК.16,
Tool environments and programming technologies
Code: ОК.17,
Theory of Computation
Code: ОК.15,
Data Bases and Information Systems
Code: ОК.18,
Operations Research
Code: ОК.29,
Applied algorithms
Code: ВК.4.01.02,
System programming
Code: ОК.19,
Construction and analysis of algorithms
Code: ДВС.1.02,
Algebraic structures, cryptography and data security
Code: ОК.33,
Fundamentals of quantum computing
Code: ВК.1.01,
Computational geometry and computer graphics
Code: ОК.34,
Paradigms and programming technologies
Code: ,
Mathematical modeling
Code: ВК.4.05.01,
Methods of system modeling
Code: ВК.4.05.02,
Methods of Parallel Computing
Code: ДВС.2.05,
Complexity of algorithms
Code: ВК.1.06,
Neural Networks and Basics of Natural Language Processing
Code: ДВС.1.05.,
Ecological and economic processes and their modeling 1
Code: ННД.09,
Information Technology
Code: ННД.20,
Refactoring problems
Code: ВК.1.09,
Information technologies in management
Code: ДВС.4.07.01 ,
Сompositional Semantics of SQL-like Languages
Code: ДВС.2.10,
Mobile Operating Systems
Code: ДВС.4.04.01,
Decision making theory
Code: ННД.21,
Ecological and economic processes and their modeling 2
Code: ОК.09,
Differential equations
Code: ОК.25,
Mobile Application Development
Code: ДВС.2.04,
Programs Correctness and Programming Logics
Code: ДВС.2.07,
Program specification and verification methods
Code: ВК.2.02,
Basics of Data Mining
Code: ДВС.2.06,
Numerical methods in scientific and engineering research
Code: ВК.4.02.02,
Computer simulation and computational experiment
Code: ВК.4.02.01,
Mathematical analysis
Code: ОК.11,
Unix-like operating systems
Code: ВК.4.04.02,
WEB technologies
Code: ВК.2.01,
Theory of programming
Code: ОК.32,
Telecommunication technologies
Code: ДВС.4.07.02,
Development of business analytical systems
Code: ДВС.2.08,
Architecture of computer systems and computer networks
Code: ОК.29,
Code: ОК.13,
Stochastic algorithms
Code: ВК.4.04.03,
Intelligent analysis of financial data
Code: ВК.4.03.04,
Data structures and algorithms
Code: ВК.3.03,
Automata and formal languages
Code: ВК.3.02,
Programming paradigms
Code: ВК.3.01,
Control theory and basics of robotics
Code: ОК.35,
Natural human-computer interfaces
Code: ДВС.3.10,
Pattern recognition and scene analysis
Code: ДВС.3.09,
Neural networks and neurocomputation
Code: ДВС.3.08,
Operating systems with time sharing
Code: ДВС.3.07,
Problems of artificial intelligence
Code: ДВС.3.06,
Intelligent data processing
Code: ДВС.3.05,
Software development
Code: ДВС.3.04,
Information technologies in management
Code: ДВС.4.07.01,
Distributed computing
Code: ДВС.4.06.02,
Socio-political studies
Code: ННД.04,
Selected sections of labor law and the basics of entrepreneurial activity
Code: ННД.05,
Modern database technologies
Code: ВК.4.03.03,
Mathematical methods of information processing
Code: ВК.4.03.02,
Data analysis
Code: ВК.4.03.01,
Applied stability problems
Code: ВК.4.02.03,
Programming paradigms and technologies
Code: ВК.2.03,
Fundamentals of cryptography
Code: ВК.1.03,
Construction and analysis of algorithms
Code: К.1.02,
Fundamentals of quantum computing
Code: ВК.1.01,
Computational geometry and computer graphics
Code: ОК.34,
Code: ОК.03,
Entrance to university studies
Code: ОК.01,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК.02,
Foreign Language
Code: ОК.06,
Code: Discrete Math,