Control theory and basics of robotics

Course: Informatics

Structural unit: Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Control theory and basics of robotics
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 3. To use the knowledge of regularities of random phenomena, their properties and operations on them, models of random processes and modern software environments to solve problems of statistical data processing and build predictive models. PLO 4. Use methods of computational intelligence, machine learning, neural network and fuzzy data processing, genetic and evolutionary programming to solve problems of recognition, forecasting, classification, identification of control objects, etc.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis, differential equations, algebra, optimization methods, probability theory within the scope of the first two academic years of the bachelor's level of education. 2. To be able to apply the knowledge gained from basic mathematical disciplines to solving control theory problems. 3. Possess elementary skills of working with matrices, finding derivatives and integrals, solving nonlinear equations, finding optimal solutions.
Course content
The educational discipline consists of the following sections. The setting of tasks is optimal management, examples of optimal management problems. Controllability, observability and identification of control systems. Motion stability and analytical design of controllers of control systems. Variational calculus methods for solving optimal control problems. Dynamic programming method. Pontryagin's maximum principle. Construction of mathematical models, planning of trajectories, management of manipulation systems. The main task is to provide knowledge on the basics of managing complex systems, to develop practical skills for solving educational and practical problems. It is taught in the 6th semester in the amount of 90 hours. (3 ECTS credits) in particular: lectures – 28 hours, practical - 14 hours, consultations - 2 hours, independent work - 46 hours. 2 test papers and an exam are provided.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Basic: 1. Bublik B.N., Kirichenko N.F. Osnovy teorii upravleniia. – K.: Vishcha shkola, 1975. –328 s. 2. Vasil-ev F.P. Chislennye metody resheniia ekstremal-nykh zadach. – M.: Nauka, 1980.-520 s. 3. Moiseev N.N. Elementy teorii optimal-nykh sistem. – M.: Nauka, 1975.-538 s. 4. Fleming U., Rishel R. Optimal-noe upravlenie determinirovannymi i stokhasticheskimi sistemami. – M.: Mir, 1978.-320 s. 5. Ostrem K. Vvedenie v stokhasticheskuiu teoriiu optimal-nogo upravleniia. M.: Mir,1973.- 324 s. 6. Levoshich O.L., Krak Iu.V. Elementi teorії keruvannia. Navchal-no-metodichnii posіbnik dlia studentіv fakul-tetu kіbernetiki spetsіal-nostі "Іnformatika". – K.: Vidavnicho- polіgrafіchnii tsentr "Kiїvs-kii unіversitet", 2002. – 85 s. ..
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, consultations, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Deadlines for evaluation forms: 1. Control work 1: up to 7 lecture class. 2. Test work 2: up to 19 lecture sessions. The student has the right to redo the test paper once with the possibility of receiving no more than 80% of the points assigned for the paper. The teacher determines the deadline for re-reading.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline