Computational geometry and computer graphics

Course: Informatics

Structural unit: Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Computational geometry and computer graphics
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PRN2. To use the modern mathematical apparatus of continuous and discrete analysis, linear algebra, analytical geometry, in professional activities to solve problems of a theoretical and applied nature in the process of designing and implementing informatization objects. PRN4. Use methods of computational intelligence, machine learning, neural network and fuzzy data processing, genetic and evolutionary programming to solve problems of recognition, forecasting, classification, identification of control objects, etc.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know: the basics of the disciplines "Programming", "Theories of algorithms", "Algebra and geometry", "Mathematical analysis". 2. Be able to: analyze problems, determine their complexity estimates and the complexity estimates of algorithms for solving them; to apply the concepts, structures and algorithms of computational geometry to solving a wide class of applied mathematics problems. 3. To have computational geometry as a universal technology for solving scientific and applied problems and; skills of educational activity.
Course content
The educational discipline "Computational geometry and computer graphics" is a mandatory component of the educational and professional training program for specialists at the educational and qualification level "bachelor" in the field of knowledge 12 "Information technologies" specialty 122 "Computer science", educational and professional program "Computer Science". The goal and task of the educational discipline is to get acquainted with one of the main scientific directions in the specialty "Computer Science", the direction "Computational Geometry". Mastering the technology of solving a wide class of science and technology problems (in particular, computer graphics problems) using methods, approaches and algorithms of computational geometry.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Main: 1. Preparata F., Sheimos M. Vychislitel-naia geometriia: Vvedenie. G.: Mir, 1989. – 478 s. 2. Akho Kh., Khopkroft Dzh., Ul-man Dzh. Postroenie i analiz vychislitel-nykh algoritmov. M.: Mir, 1979. – 536. 3. Rodzhers D. Algoritmicheskie osnovy mashinnoi grafiki. M.:Mir, 1989.- 504 s. 4. V.M. Tereshchenko, І.V. Kravchenko, A. V. Anіsіmov. Osnovnі algoritmi obchisliuval-noї geometrії, Kiїv, 2002r, 81 s. 5. Tereshchenko V.M. Analіz metodіv rozv'iazannia optimіzatsіinikh zadach obchisliuval-noї geometrії: Navchal-nii posіbnik z vikonannia laboratornikh robіt z kursu "Obchisliuval-na geometrіia komp'iuterna grafіka" dlia studentіv fakul-tetu komp’iuternikh nauk ta kіbernetiki / V.M.Tereshchenko. – Kiїv: elektronna publіkatsіia na saitі fakul-tetu, 2020. – 77 s. ..
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, consultations, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
- semester assessment: 1. Control work 1: PH1.1, PH2.1, PH 3.1, PH 4.1 – 10 points / 6 points. 2. Control work 2: PH1.1, PH2.1, PH 3.1, PH 4.1 – 10 points / 6 points. 3. Colloquium: PH1.1, PH2.1, PH 3.1, PH 4.1 – 10 points / 6 points. 4. Laboratory work: PH2.1, PH 3.1, PH 4.1 – 30 points / 15 points. When determining the grade, the work in the semester is decisive. After completion of the discussion of the topics, a colloquium is held, which consists of a written test and a theoretical survey. - final evaluation in the form of an exam: - the maximum number of points that can be obtained by a student: 40 points; - learning outcomes that will be evaluated: PH1.1, PH2.1, PH 3.1, PH 4.1. - form of implementation and types of tasks: written work. Types of tasks: 4 theoretical and 4 written tasks
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline