
Faculty of Economics

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Marketing Professional Qualification: " Specialist-analyst on commodity market research" or " Specialist-analyst on commodity market research"
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Management and administration
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Educational: successful mastering of competencies in compulsory and elective EK by cluster, with grades not lower than 60 points. Professional: 1) students choose from the curriculum one of the clusters of specialization and receive grades at least of 75 points from all disciplines of the cluster; 2) internship at enterprises, organizations and receiving a score at least of 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in the field of marketing PLO 2. Analyze and predict market phenomena and processes based on the application of fundamental principles, theoretical knowledge and applied skills of marketing activities PLO 3. Apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in the field of marketing. PLO 4. Collect and analyze the necessary information, calculate economic and marketing indicators, make management decisions based on the use of the necessary analytical and methodological tools. PLO 5. Identify and analyze the key characteristics of marketing systems at different levels, as well as the behavior of their subjects. PLO 6. Identify the functional areas of marketing activities of the market entity and their relationships in the management system, calculate the relevant indicators that characterize the effectiveness of such activities. PLO 7. Use digital information and communication technologies, as well as software products necessary for marketing activities and the practical application of marketing tools. PLO 8. Apply innovative approaches to marketing activities of the market entity, flexibly adapt to changes in the marketing environment. PLO 9. Assess the risks of marketing activities, establish the level of uncertainty of the marketing environment when making management decisions. PLO 10. Explain information, ideas, problems and alternatives for management decisions to specialists and non-specialists in the field of marketing, representatives of various structural units of the market entity. PLO 11. Demonstrate the ability to apply an interdisciplinary approach and perform marketing functions of a market entity. PLO 12. Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical. PLO 13. To be responsible for the results, to show the skills of entrepreneurial and managerial initiative. PLO 14. Perform functional responsibilities in the group, offer sound marketing solutions. PLO 15. Act socially responsibly and socially consciously on the basis of ethical principles of marketing, respect for cultural diversity and the values of civil society with respect for individual rights and freedoms. PLO 16. Meet the requirements of a modern marketer, increase the level of personal training. PLO 17. Demonstrate skills of written and oral professional communication in state and foreign languages, as well as proper use of professional terminology. PLO 18. Demonstrate responsibility in relation to moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society in professional marketing activities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Most of the educational components of the program involve an exam. Rating scale: Excellent - 90-100 points; Good - 75-89 points; Satisfactory - 60-74 points; Fail - 0-59 points.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The student must complete a work practice.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Viktoriia Zhurylo
Department of Marketing and Business-Administration
Faculty of Economics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Professional competencies 1. Ability to use the theoretical provisions of marketing to interpret and predict the phenomena and processes in the marketing environment. 2.Ability to conduct marketing activities based on an understanding of the essence and meaning of marketing theory and the functional relationships between its components. 3. Ability to use marketing methods, techniques and tools. 4. Ability to conduct marketing research in different areas of marketing activity. 5. Ability to develop marketing support for business development under conditions of uncertainty. 6. Ability to analyze the behavior of market subjects and determine the specifics of markets functioning.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to study in the programs of the second level of higher education for the degree of Master in the any field of knowledge or related and to obtain additional qualifications in the system of adult education.