Belarusian language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature, English language

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Belarusian language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature, English language
Program code
ID 23222
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Philology
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
full secondary education
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
PRN1. Communicate freely on professional issues with professionals and non-specialists in the state, Belarusian, English, Czech / Polish languages ​​orally and in writing, use them to organize effective intercultural communication. PRN2. Work effectively with Slavonic information: select the necessary information from various sources, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize information on Belarusian and Ukrainian studies. PRN3. Organize the process of their education and self-education in the field of Slavic studies, in particular Belarusian studies. PRN4. Understand the fundamental principles of human existence, nature, society. PRN5. To cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other Slavic cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc. PRN6. Use information and communication technologies to solve complex specialized problems and problems of professional activity. PRN7. Understand the main problems of philology and approaches to solving them using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PRN8. To know and understand the system of language, general properties of literature as an art of speech, history of Belarusian, Ukrainian languages ​​and Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech / Polish literatures, to be able to apply this knowledge in professional activity, in the field of Slavic studies. PRN9. To characterize dialectal and social varieties of Belarusian, Ukrainian, English, Czech / Polish languages, to describe the sociolinguistic situation. The full list of learning outcomes for the educational program is given in the item "Program Profile"
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Semester control of knowledge is carried out according to the ECTS system, which provides for a two-level assessment of the mastered material, including assessment of theoretical training, which is 40% of the total assessment, and assessment of practical training - learning outcomes; communication; autonomy and responsibility, which is 60% of the total score. Forms of semester assessment: answers to seminars, abstracts, analysis of literary texts, presentations, translation, essays, reviews, annotations, modular tests. Forms of final control: control test tasks, tests, written and oral exams, defense of term paper, defense of bachelor's thesis, complex final exams. The principles of integrity are observed during the assessment and examination: to adhere to ethical norms and principles of academic activity, to be honest and objective in assessing the knowledge and achievements of students.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Applicants undergo professional and production practice and translation or production and pedagogical practice (depending on the selected units). Professional and internship is held on the basis of the Center of Belarusian Language and Culture, the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Ukraine, the Institute of Linguistics of NASU, which provides an opportunity to cooperate with potential employers. Practitioners - specialists in the humanities (researchers, translators, literary critics), involve students in joint projects: international conferences, preparation of translation publications. Translation practice involves the written translation of agreed texts (artistic, scientific, journalistic, etc.); interpreting skills are tested at Ukrainian-Belarusian business forums. Students undergo industrial and pedagogical practice on the basis of secondary schools and gymnasiums in Kyiv, where they master the profession of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature or English.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oksana Pavlivna Palij
Department of Slavic Philology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
OP graduates are in demand in the labor market by potential employers due to a broad humanitarian worldview, thorough training in a wide range of disciplines, acquired skills and abilities to effectively solve various problems, knowledge of several foreign languages ​​- Belarusian, English, Czech (Polish), - and in Ukrainian. The Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Ukraine, Ukrainian-Belarusian business structures, the All-Ukrainian Union of Belarusians and its regional organizations have repeatedly expressed interest in Belarusian graduates; knowledge acquired by students in the process of mastering the disciplines of specializations, are used in teaching. An important argument for employers is the professional knowledge of English by graduates of OP, a significant number of whom work as teachers and translators of English. Diverse and "multilingual" training of students for education is important in the work on international cooperation of public and private institutions; OP graduates can also realize themselves professionally in the field of tourism business or entrepreneurial activity.
Access to further studies
Graduates have the right to continue their studies at the highest - second level to obtain a master's degree in the field of knowledge 03 humanities.