Computer Systems and Networks

Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems

Computer Systems and Networks
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Information technologies
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
First cycle of higher education (NQF Level 6) or higher.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
According to the results of the Unified entrance exam in a foreign language and the entrance professional exam
Persons, who obtained a bachelor's degree in another specialty, took an additional professional entrance exam.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Certification of higher education seekers is carried out in the form of public defense of master's thesis and complex exam in "Computer Systems and Networks" and ends with the issuance of a standard document on awarding them a degree with higher education: master's degree; junior researcher (computing systems), computer systems engineer.
Programme learning outcomes
1. Apply general cognitive approaches, methods of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences to solving complex problems of computer engineering. 2. Find the necessary data, analyze and evaluate them. 3. Build and research models of computer systems and networks, evaluate their adequacy, determine applicability limits. 4. Apply specialized conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements in the field of computer engineering, necessary for professional activity, original thinking and conducting research, critical thinking of information technology problems and at the border of fields of knowledge. 5. Develop and implement projects in the field of computer engineering and related interdisciplinary projects taking into account engineering, social, economic, legal and other aspects. 6. Analyze problems, identify and formulate specific problems that need to be solved, choose effective methods of solving them. 7. To solve problems of analysis and synthesis of computer systems and networks. 8. Apply knowledge of technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation of software and technical means of computer systems and networks to solve complex problems of computer engineering and related problems. 9. Develop software for embedded and distributed applications, mobile and hybrid systems. 10. Search for information in various sources to solve computer engineering problems, analyze and evaluate this information. 11. Make effective decisions regarding the development, implementation and operation of computer systems and networks, analyze alternatives, 12/ Communicate freely orally and in writing in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish) discussion of professional issues, research and innovations in the field information technologies. 13/ It is clear and unambiguous to convey one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments from issues of information technologies and tangential interdisciplinary issues to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to people who are studying. 14. Plan and carry out scientific research in the field of computer engineering, formulate and test hypotheses, choose methods and tools, analyze the results, justify the conclusions.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current oral and written interviews, tests, colloquia, laboratory work, presentations of research papers, essays, defense of practice reports, term papers. Final control - exam / test. Final certification - a comprehensive exam in the specialty.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Students can participate in academic mobility programs.
Work placement
Training of qualified specialists with formed competencies necessary for the performance of professional duties and profes- sional activities 1. with the following software and hardware: hardware, software, programmable, reconfigured, system and application soft-ware of computers and computer systems of universal and special purpose, including stationary, mobile, embedded, distributed, etc., local, global computer networks and the Internet, the Internet of Things, IT infrastructures, interfaces and interoperability protocols of heterogeneous components; 2. information processes, technologies, methods, techniques, tools and systems for research, automated and automatic design; adjustment, production and operation, de-sign documentation, standards, procedures and tools to support the life cycle manage- ment of these software and hardware. and the organization of the functioning of the relevant software and hardware.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Yuriy Volodymyrovych Boyko
Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems
Occupational profiles of graduates
Employment in leading global and Ukrainian companies (including business structures, IT companies, industrial production in the field of electronics, automation, telecommunications, etc.).
Access to further studies
Access to programmes of the Third Cycle of Higher Education. Has the right to acquire additional qualifications in the adult education system.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Digital communications
Code: ОК 1,
Methodology of Designing Open Computer Systems
Code: ОК 2,
Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
Code: ОК 9 ,
Desktop Publishing
Code: ОК 10,
Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК 3,
Assistant practice 1 semeste
Code: ОК 14,
English in the field of information technologies
Code: ОК 11,
Assistant practice 2 semeste
Code: ОК 14,
Scientific and industrial practice 2 semester
Code: ОК 15,
Professional and Corporate Ethics
Code: ОК 8 ,
Evolutional Сomputing
Code: ОК 4,
High-performance Computing
Code: ОК 5,
Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Code: ОК 6 ,
Network Operating Systems
Code: ОК 7,
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
Code: ОК 12,
Switching and Routing in Computer Networks
Code: ВК 4.2,
Grid Systems and Technologies
Code: ВК 5.1,
Optoelectronics and fiber optics
Code: ВК 5.2,
Collaborative Software Tools
Code: ВК 4.1 ,
Peripherals of Advanced Computer Systems
Code: ВК 3.1,
Telecommunication technologies
Code: ВК 3.2,
Scientific and industrial practice 3 semester
Code: ОК 15,
Master's thesis
Code: ОК 16 ,
Innovative activity in the field of information technologies
Code: ВК 2.2,
Functional electronics
Code: ВК 6.1,
Mathematical programming
Code: ВК 1.1,
Security of Computer Networks and Systems
Code: ВК 6.2,
Research Results Presentation Methods
Code: ОК 13,
Multimedia technologies
Code: ВК 2.1,
Quantum computing
Code: ВК 1.2,