Specialized Translation from German and English; Intercultural Management

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Specialized Translation from German and English; Intercultural Management
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Philology in specialization 035.043 Philology (Germanic languages and literatures (translation included), major – German)
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Professional qualification is awarded under the following conditions: Overall average grade (min. 75). Average grade (min. 80) in three mandatory disciplines. Grade (min. 80) in two elective block disciplines. Successful completion of practical translation internship (min. 80), separate from theoretical studies. Successful final assessment (min. 80). Successful defense of the master's qualification work (min. 80) (see detailed description in section 3).
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 6. To use knowledge on expressive, emotive, logical language means and speech techniques, principles of intercultural management in order to achieve an intended pragmatic result and organize successful communication. PLO 7. To analyze, compare and classify different trends and schools in Translation Studies. PLO 8. To assess the historical legacy and new achievements of Translation Studies. PLO 9. To characterize theoretical principles (concepts, categories, principles, basic concepts, etc.) and applied aspects of the chosen specialization of Translation Studies. PLO 10. To collect and systematize facts of language and literature, to interpret and translate texts of various styles and genres from German and English. PLO 11. To carry out a translation analysis of language, speech and literary material, interpret and structure it taking into account appropriate methodological principles, formulate generalizations based on independently processed data. PLO 14. To create, analyze, and edit texts of various genres and styles in German and English. PLO 16. To use specialized conceptual knowledge in a chosen field of Translation Studies to solve complex tasks and issues, which require updates and integration of knowledge, often under conditions of incomplete or lacking information and contradictory requirements. PLO 17. To plan, organize, perform and present research and / or innovative developments in a specific field of Translation Studies. PLO 18. To present the results of one’s research to the academic community in academic publications or presentations at conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.The complete list of educational program learning outcomes is provided in the "Program Profile" paragraph.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Assessment is conducted in the following forms: Public defense of the master's qualification work in the German language. Comprehensive final examination in theory and practice of translation (German language). Final examination in translation (English language). The work is eligible for defense only after plagiarism check. Evaluation is conducted on a 100-point scale based on the total number of points obtained from the feedback of the academic supervisor, review by the scientific reviewer, and the public defense. A – 90-100 points – 5 (excellent) 85-89 points – 4 (good) B – 85-89 points C – 75-84 points 60-74 points – 3 (satisfactory) D – 65-74 points E – 60-64 points 1-59 points – 2 (unsatisfactory) Further evaluation criteria are outlined in the respective programs. During examination and evaluation, the principles of academic integrity, objectivity, transparency, and impartiality are followed.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Translation internship lasts for eight weeks, with a break from theoretical studies. Students undergo their internship in institutions, organizations, and enterprises that require translation services from German and English languages. The translation internship involves completing translation assignments within the institution where the internship is conducted. At the end of the internship, students prepare documentation reports (details can be found in the practice program). The internship placements are based on current agreements and include entities such as the subsidiary company "Siemens Ukraine," the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the German Cultural Center Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, the Center for German Language and Culture of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology, and the translation bureau "Admiral."
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Marharyta Serhiivna Dorofeieva
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates can become professionals in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation, conference interpretation, written specialized translation, experts in intercultural management and communication, translation project managers. They can work in scientific, literary-publishing, and educational fields, hold research and administrative positions in higher education institutions and research institutions, work in print and electronic mass media, PR agencies, internet marketing, various humanitarian foundations, associations, and organizations, museums, artistic and cultural centers, etc. They can also find opportunities in various sectors of the economy where services related to the creation, analysis, translation, and evaluation of texts are required, in positions such as translator, philologist, research collaborator, copywriter, editor, international project coordinator, manager for working with foreign clients, administrator.
Access to further studies
Graduates have the right to continue their studies at the third level of higher education and obtain additional qualifications in the postgraduate education system.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Translation History
Code: ОК 1.1,
Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research with the Basics of Intellectual Property
Code: ОК 2,
Translation Techniques (English Language)
Code: OK 10,
Translation Techniques (English Language)
Code: OK 10,
Training in the Communicative Competence of a Translator in Specialized Discourses (German Language)
Code: ОК 11,
General Translation Theory
Code: ОК 1.2,
Translation Techniques (German Language)
Code: OK 9,
Methodological Foundations of Translation Studies
Code: OK 3,
Intercultural Communication and Translator's Intercultural Competence
Code: OK 4,
Training in the Communicative Competence of a Translator in Specialized Discourses (English)
Code: ОК 12,
Training in the Communicative Competence of a Translator in Specialized Discourses (English)
Code: ОК 12,
Specialized Translation Theories
Code: ОК 1.3,
Comparative Stylistics of German and Ukrainian Language
Code: OK 5,
Professional and Corporate Ethics
Code: OK 6,
Translation-Oriented Terminology Science
Code: OK 7,
Translation Techniques (German Language)
Code: OK 9,
Training in the Communicative Competence of a Translator in Specialized Discourses (German Language)
Code: ОК 11,
Master's Thesis
Code: ОК 15,
Legal Translation and Contract Translation
Code: ВБ 1.02,
Translation of Texts in Exact and Natural Sciences
Code: ВБ 1.03,
Medical Translation
Code: ВБ 1.04,
Technique of Written Ukrainian-German Translation
Code: ВБ 1.05,
Editing of Professional Text Translations
Code: ВБ 1.06,
Translation of Specialized Texts from English
Code: ВБ 1.07,
Computer Translation Technologies
Code: ВБ 1.08,
Management of Intercultural Projects and Translation Resources
Code: OK 8,
Translation Internship (German Language)
Code: ОК 13.1,
Translation Internship (English Language)
Code: ОК 13.2,
Colloquium on Translation Studies Research
Code: ОК 14,
Master's Thesis
Code: ОК 15,
Comprehensive Final Exam in Theory and Practice of Translation (German Language)
Code: ОК 16,
Final examination in translation (English)
Code: ОК 17,
Translation and Project Management in the Media Field
Code: ВБ 1.01,