"Foreign Literature and the English Language: Theory and Methodology of Teaching"

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

"Foreign Literature and the English Language: Theory and Methodology of Teaching"
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Secondary education in specialization Language and Literature (English)
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Knoledge Field
Specific admission requirements
Passing an additional exam for those with bachelor degrees in other specialties.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor degree in 014 Secondary Education or in 035 Philology. Admission is based on the results of the foreign language entrance exam, specialty exam and an additional exam for those with bachelor degrees in other specialties.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Professional qualification can be awarded subject to the following requirements: to the election and successful mastery of the elective set of disciplines (with a score of at least 75 points); passing of Pedagogical Practices in Teaching; defence of Master’s Qualification Work (with a score of at least 80 points); passing final examinations with scores of at least 75 points.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the methodological apparatus for research in Literary Studies. PLO 3. Knowledge of fundamental concepts, categories, theories of Linguistics, history of formation and development of Linguistics. PLO 4. Knowledge of fundamental concepts, categories, theories of Literary Studies, the history of the formation and development of Literary Studies; modern strategies for the study of Foreign Literature. PLO 5. Knowledge of modern types, approaches, techniques, principles, tools, organizational forms of teaching and upbringing in secondary schools. PLO 15. Ability to apply modern types, approaches, methods, principles, means, organizational forms of teaching and upbringing in secondary schools. PLO 16. Ability to organize the educational process according to the psychological and physiological characteristics of pupils. PLO 19. Ability to realize and manage the educational process for the pupils in Foreign Literature and English in secondary schools. PLO 20. Ability to perform system scientific research in the field of Literary Studies using modern methods of analysis and interpretation of fiction with obvious methodological component. PLO 26. Readiness to organize and manage the process of teaching Foreign Literature and English in secondary schools PLO 27. Ability to use Ukrainian and English in different situations of professional interactions. PLO 28. Ability to use strategies, tactics, verbal and non-verbal means of communication for the realizing the educational process and providing upbringing influence on pupils in institutions of secondary education; to avoid/solve conflicts between pupils, a pupil and a teacher, a teacher and parents, pupils and parents; the ability to cooperate in a pedagogical team. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section "Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the student corresponds to the ratio established of the level of professional and general competencies to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of assessment is 60 points. There are provided following forms of control: exams, credits, current control, final exam, defence of the Master’s thesis. There is applied the scale of conformity with grades: Excellent 90-100%; Good 75-89%; Satisfactory 60-74%; Unsatisfactory 0-59%; Credited 60-100%; Not credited 0-59%. In performing all forms of reporting, students must adhere to the standards of academic integrity set forth in the University Community Code of Ethics.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
It is obligatory to pass two full-time pedagogical internships: Pedagogical Practice in Teaching English and Pedagogical Practice in Teaching Foreign Literature. The bases of the internships are secondary education institutions. There is an opportunity to take internships both in person and via means of distant learning. Prior to the internship, students must successfully master the following disciplines: Pedagogy of Secondary School and Pedagogical Mastery of the Teacher, The Course "English" in General Education Institutions and Methods of Teaching it, The Course "Foreign Literature" in General Education Institutions and Methods of Teaching it.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Olha Serhiivna Boinitska
Department of Foreign Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
The master-teacher can work in the educational, scientific and artistic fields; in teaching and administrative positions in secondary education institutions; in teaching, research positions in higher education institutions; in extracurricular educational institutions; for print and electronic media, in PR agencies; for various funds, unions, humanitarian foundations; can be engaged in translation activities; can support cultural and artistic activities, organize leisure activities.
Access to further studies
Possibility to study at a programme of the third cycle of FQ-EHEA, of the 8th level of EQF-LLL and of the 8th level of NQF.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Philosophy of education
Code: ОК 17.,
Communicative strategies and practice of the English language
Code: OK 15,
History and Theory of Western Literary Criticism
Code: ОК 1.,
Professional and Corporate Ethics
Code: ОК 4.,
English for secondary school students. Teaching English methodology in secondary school.
Code: ОК 7,
Foreign theories of literature
Code: ОК 2,
High school pedagogy and pedagogical skills of a teacher
Code: ОК.06,
Communicative strategies and practice of the English language
Code: OK.15 ,
Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research with the Basics of Intellectual Property
Code: ОК 3.,
The Course "Foreign Literature" in General Education Institutions and Methods of Teaching it
Code: ОК 8.,
Foreign Comparative Literature Studies
Code: ОК 13,
Archetypal Literary Criticism and Gender Studies in Literary Studies
Code: ВБ 1.1.,
The Habsburg Myth and its Reception in World Literature
Code: ВБ 1.6.,
Ekphrasis Text Theory. Literature and Cinematography
Code: ВБ 1.2,
Strategies for Studying Multicultural Text in US Literature
Code: ВБ 1.4.,
English in the Latest Literary Studies
Code: ВБ 1.8.,
Cultural Identity and the Strategy of its Representation in the Latest Novel
Code: ВБ 1.5.,
«Modes of Secularization» in the Modern English Novel
Code: ВБ 1.7.,
Methods of Interpreting the Shakespearean Code in Modern Foreign Literature
Code: ВБ 1.3. ,
System analysis of literary text
Code: ОК 19,
Literary Studies and Scientific Research
Code: ОК 18.,
Code: ОК 16,
Post-classical Narratology
Code: ОК 14.,
Teaching and Pedagogical Practice in Teaching Foreign Literature
Code: ОК 10,