Educational and professional program "Business Consulting"

Faculty of Economics

Educational and professional program "Business Consulting"
Program code
Qualification awarded
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
1. Formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions to scientific and practical problems. 2. Develop, justify and make effective decisions on the development of socio-economic systems and management of economic entities. 3. To communicate freely on professional and scientific issues in the state and foreign languages ​​orally and in writing. 4. Develop socio-economic projects and a system of integrated actions for their implementation, taking into account their objectives, expected socio-economic consequences, risks, legislative, resource and other constraints. 5. Adhere to the principles of academic integrity. 6. Evaluate the results of their own work, demonstrate leadership skills and ability to manage staff and work in a team. 7. To choose effective methods of management of economic activity, to substantiate the offered decisions on the basis of relevant data and scientific and applied researches. 8. Collect, process and analyze statistical data, scientific and analytical materials needed to solve complex economic problems, consulting. 9. Make effective decisions under uncertain conditions and requirements that require the application of new approaches, methods and tools of socio-economic research. 10. Apply modern information technology and specialized software in socio-economic research and management of socio-economic systems.11. Identify and critically assess the state and trends of socio-economic development, form and analyze models of economic systems and processes.12. Justify management decisions for the effective development of economic entities, taking into account the goals, resources, constraints and risks.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written exams, tests, differentiated tests, oral and written examinations, testing, essay preparation, defense of individual and group projects, performance of work within official duties, presentations, written tests, defense of practice reports, master's thesis.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
Training is carried out using traditional and innovative methods: lectures and seminars, computer training, organization of independent distance work, research practice, involvement in individual and collective research.
Director of the course
Larysa Volodymyrivna Shaulska
Department of Business Economics
Faculty of Economics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Access to further studies
Opportunity to study in the programs of the third level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in this and related fields of knowledge and to obtain additional qualifications in the system of adult education.