International marketing

Course: International business (compulsory study of two foreign languages)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International marketing
ОК 14
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To understand the general theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing, the essence and specifics of international marketing, its role in business development; to know elements of the marketing complex and methods of developing a set of measures for product, price, sales and communication policy in national and international markets; to be acquainted with marketing research methodology in national and international markets, methods of market analysis; to know methods and techniques of marketing environment analysis; to understand basic principles of foreign market segmentation; to understand methods of risk assessment when entering foreign markets; to know theory and practice of modern marketing mechanism of influence on its competitive position of the enterprise in the national and foreign markets; organization and management of marketing activities of the enterprise in the national and foreign markets;
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Knowledge of theoretical foundations of psychology, sociology, economic theory, statistics, macro- and microeconomics, international economic relations, business economics, management, international business, computer science, cross-cultural management, marketing, world commodity markets, pricing, foreign language, etc .; ability to collect, summarize and analyze information on multidisciplinary international business activities, perform analytical and organizational work in the preparation and implementation of business projects, apply market research technologies, etc .; mastery of basic skills of economic-statistical and strategic analysis, skills of writing analytical reports, use of modern means of processing and presenting information;
Course content
Content module 1. "Genesis of marketing" Topic 1. Formation of marketing theory and its concepts Topic 2. Complex of marketing and marketing management in the business system Topic 3. Modern concept of international marketing Topic 4. Technologies of research of the international marketing environment Topic 5. Strategic marketing planning and development of competitive strategy in world commodity markets Content module 2. "Paradigm of international marketing" Topic 6. International marketing research and global market segmentation. Topic 7. The choice of foreign markets and models for entering them. Topic 8. Marketing complex of international business entities Topic 9. Management of international marketing
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Міжнародний маркетинг: підручник/О.Л.Каніщенко. – К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. – 480 с. 2. Гаркавенко С.С. Маркетинг: Підручник для студ. екон. спец. вузів.- 4-е вид.,К.:”Лібра”- 2006. – 717 с. 3. Міжнародний маркетинг: в питаннях та відповідях [текст]: навч.посіб.:/За ред.М.Барановської, Ю.Козака, С.Смичека, - К.:Центр учбової літератури, 2013. – 302 с 4. Багиев Г. Л. и др. Маркетинг: Учебник /Багиев Г.Л., Тарасевич В.М., Аннг Х.; Под общ. ред. Г. Л. Багиева.- 3- е изд. /перераб. и доп. - СПб.: Питер, 2010. - 576 с 5. Міжнародний бізнес: підручник, 3-ге видання, доп. та перероб. // За заг. ред. Вергуна В. А. – К.: “ВАДЕКС”, 2014. – 872 с 6. Міжнародний маркетинг: навч. посібник / Т. В. Князєва, Ю. П. Колбушкін, С. В. Петровська та ін. – К. : НАУ, 2019. – 164 с 7. Міжнародний маркетинг: підручник / [Я. С. Ларіна та ін. ; за ред. О. І. Бабічевої]. – Київ : Гельветика, 2018. – 451 с
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge control is carried out according to the modular rating system. Current control: oral answers (up to 10 points), additions (up to 5 points), written task (summery and presentation) (up to 15 points), group research and analytical task (up to 30 points). The form of final control is an exam. The exam is conducted in written. The student's answer to the exam is estimated at a maximum of 40 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Chair of International Business
Educational and scientific institute of international relations


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Chair of International Business
Educational and scientific institute of international relations