The national and cultural component in the structure of the Polish P4 Phraseology of the Polish

Course: Polish Language and Literature, English and Lithuanian Languages

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

The national and cultural component in the structure of the Polish P4 Phraseology of the Polish
ВБ 2.01
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. Effectively work with information: select the necessary information from various sources, in particular from specialized literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 3. To organize the process of one's learning and self-education and Lithuanian-language texts of various styles and genres. PLO 23.2. Apply knowledge from the field of Balto-Slavic linguistic and cultural continuum in the practice of translation. PLO 24.2. Apply methods and strategies established in translation studies for oral and written translation.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To have the basics of grammar and syntax of the Polish language; general linguistic terminology.
Course content
The specificity of this discipline is that it is formed on the basis of traditional general linguistic concepts: language, speech, speech activity, paradigmatics, syntagmatics, variant, invariant, semantic relations, stylistic synonyms, etc., as well as text, text categories, text interpretation (content and forms). The description of the phraseological resources of the language as a system is based on the level principle: from the description of units and the relationships between them within the phonetic, grammatical, lexical levels to the analysis of language units within the text. This educational discipline contributes to the creation of an organic system of communicative skills and abilities, which ensures the situational adequacy of speech behavior. This educational discipline contributes to the creation of an organic system of communicative skills and abilities, which ensures the situational adequacy of speech behavior. The main tasks of studying the discipline "Polish Phraseology" are: 1) to acquaint students with the concept of a phraseological unit, signs of phraseology, and their main classifications; 2) make students aware of the differences between system and functional phraseology, teach them to use dictionaries of different types containing phraseology; 3) teach students to find idioms in texts, analyze their structure and meaning, possible innovative changes and functions in different types of texts; 4) to develop the skills of using Polish idioms in students' own speech.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Bąba S. Frazeologia polska. Studia i szkice. Poznań, 2009. Markowski A. Zagadnienia poprawności leksykalnej – najważniejsze kwestie. [W:] A. Markowski. Kultura języka polskiego. Teoria. Zagadnienia leksykalne. Warszawa, 2005. S. 156-274. Dziamska-Lenart G. Z zagadnień defrazeologizacji stałych związków wyrazowych. [W:] Z zagadnień frazeologii, stylistyki i kultury języka. Red. S. Bąba i P. Fliciński. Poznań, 2006. S. 33-43. Krawczuk A. Podstawowe zagadnienia frazeologii. Pojęcie frazeologizmu. Klasyfikacje frazeologizmów. [W:] А. Кравчук Лексикологія і культура польської мови. Т. І: Лексикологія, фразеологія, лексикографія. Київ, 2011. С. 248-272. Majkowska G. Klasyfikacja semantyczna zamierzonych modyfikacji związków frazeologicznych. [W:] Z problemów frazeologii polskiej i słowiańskiej V. Red. M. Basaj i D. Rytel. Wrocław, 1988. S. 143-163. Pajdzińska A. Frazeologizmy jako tworzywo współczesnej poezji. Lublin, 1993.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Answer in a practical lesson (scientific message, addition, participation in discussions) Text analysis Lectures, practical classes, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Answer in a practical session (scientific message, addition, participation in discussions): 2-1 points Text analysis: 5-4 points, Final test: 25-14 points.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Polish


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline