Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
ОК 25.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Be able to perform research
of the atmosphere and other geospheres by
using quantitative methods of analysis
To know and apply theories, paradigms,
concepts and principles in the Earth sciences
Earth sciences in accordance with the specialization
(PLO 12).
Participate in the development of projects and
practical recommendations in the field of earth sciences (PLO 14).
Earth sciences (PLO 14).
Be able to choose the best methods and
and tools for conducting
research, data collection and processing
(PLO 15).
To be able to act professionally, safely and
tolerantly in difficult force majeure
circumstances, in various natural,
socio-economic and
ethno-cultural conditions (PLO 20).
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
knowledge of theoretical foundations of physics, meteorology, atmospheric physics, climatology,
the ability to establish cause and effect relationships between phenomena and processes that
occurring in the natural environment; knowledge of methods of synthesis and analysis of
of information.
Course content
The internship is aimed at gaining practical skills and
and skills and preparing students for future professional activities. For
internships, students are sent to various institutions and organizations, so
after agreeing on the place of practice and preliminary familiarization with the work of the
of the respective organization, the university supervisor specifies the program of the internship for each individual student.
program for each individual student, defines its goals and objectives. All of this
is specified in individual assignments, which are often related to writing a future bachelor's thesis.
bachelor's thesis, and also depend on the specifics of the organization to which the
the student is sent to.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Антонов В.С. Короткий курс загальної метеорології. – Чернівці: Рута, 2004. –
363 с.
2. Настанова гідрометеорологічним станціям і постам. Випуск 3, ч.1:
Метеорологічні спостереження на станціях. – К.: Ніка-Центр, 2011. – 280 с.
3. Метеорологія і кліматологія: підручник/ під ред. С. М. Степаненка. Одеса: ТЕС,
2008. 533 с.
4. Паламарчук Л.В., Шевченко О.Г. Метеорологічні прилади та вимірювання. – К.:
Видавництво «Інтерконтиненталь Україна», 2012. – 123 с.
5. Проценко Г. Д. Метеорологія та кліматологія: Електроний підручник. – К.: НПУ
ім. М.П. Драгоманова, 2007.
6. Сніжко С.І., Паламарчук Л.В., Затула В.І. Метеорологія. – К.: Видавничо-
поліграфічний центр «Київський університет», 2010. – 592 с.
7. Сніжко С.І., Шевченко О.Г. Урбометеорологічні аспекти забруднення
атмосферного повітря великого міста. – К.: Обрії, 2011. – 297 с.
8. Шевченко О.Г., Сніжко С.І., Круківська А.В. Практикум з метеорології та
кліматології. – К.: ФОП Маслаков, 2018. – 117 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Evaluation of
of individual
tasks, evaluation of
of the internship report,
evaluation of
presentation and
answers during the
defense of the report on
Assessment methods and criteria
The grade for the internship is formed by
points received by the student based on the results of the internship, points for
prepared reporting documentation (report and diary of practice) and points received during
during the defense of the internship.
The level of achievement of all planned learning outcomes is determined by
the results of the assessment of the above components.
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline