Modern translation studies

Course: Modern Greek philology, English and translation

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Modern translation studies
ДВС 2.03
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 7. Analyse, compare and classify different areas and schools of linguistics. PLO 9. Describe the theoretical foundations (concepts, categories, principles, basic concepts, etc.) and applied aspects of the chosen philological specialisation. PLO 10. Collect and systematise linguistic and literary facts, analyse folklore facts, interpret and translate texts of different styles and genres of New Greek and English. PLO 14. To create, analyse and edit original and translated texts of different styles and genres. PLO 23.2. Apply knowledge of the peculiarities of translating poetry, drama, prose in their translation activities.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) Successful completion of the compulsory subjects ‘Intercultural Communication and Translation (New Greek)’, “Communication Strategies (New Greek)”, “English (professional level)”; 2) Knowledge of the basics of linguistics and translation studies, methods of (professional level); 2) knowledge of the basics of linguistics and translation studies, methods of translation research methods; 3) proficiency in translation from Ukrainian into New Greek / English and from English / New Greek into Ukrainian, basic techniques and methods of translation research of source and target texts.
Course content
The aim of the course is to introduce students to modern theoretical approaches and and practical aspects of translation studies; to consider key concepts, trends and research methods in the field of translation studies; to develop skills of critical analysis and and evaluation of translations. Summary of the subject: The subject of the discipline is the study of the patterns of formation of translation studies as an interdisciplinary science. The discipline gives an insight into modern theories and trends in the field of translation studies, current trends of modern translation studies in Ukraine and the world, theoretical foundations (concepts, categories, principles, basic concepts) of translation studies; develops skills of critical analysis and evaluation of translations, particularly in the field of literary translation. The course complements and deepens translation and translation studies competences and provides a broad view of the the phenomenon of translation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Гуз О. П. Основи перекладознавства: конспект лекцій. Луцьк: Вежа-Друк, 2021. 2. Кальниченко О.А. Теорія перекладу. Харків : Вид-во НУА, 2017. Ч. 1. 3. Коломієць Л.В. Український художній переклад та перекладачі 1920-30-х років: матеріали до курсу «Історія перекладу». Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2015. 4. Енциклопедія перекладознавства: у 4 т. Т.1: пер. з англ. /за ред. І.Гамб’є та Л.ван Дорслара; за заг.ред. О.А. Кальниченка та Л.М. Черноватого. Вінниця: Нова книга, 2020. 5. Laviosa, Sara. Corpus-based translation studies: theory, findings, applications. Vol. 17. Brill, 2021. 6. Munday, Jeremy, Sara Ramos Pinto, and Jacob Blakesley. Introducing translation studies: Theories and applications. 3rd edn. Routledge, 2022. 7. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies / Ed. Mona Baker, Gabriela Saldanha. NY: Routledge. 2019.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Teaching methods: lectures, independent work, practical classes. Learning activities: oral answers at practical classes, supplementary questions, participation in lecture discussions, tasks for independent work of students / preparation of a presentation, presentation defence, final open-response test.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment of semester work: 1. Oral answer: SLO 1.1-1.3; SLO 2.1-2.3; SLO 3.1-3.2 - 18/30 points. 2. Additions, participation in the discussion: ELO 1.1-1.3; ELO 2.1-2.3; ELO 3.1-3.2 - 7/14 marks. 3.Tasks for independent work of students / preparation of a presentation: ELO 1.1-1.3; ELO 2.1-2.3; PL 3.1-3.2, PL 4.1 - 8/14 points. 4. Defence of the presentation: PL 1.1-1.3; PL 2.1-2.3; PL 3.1-3.2 - 8/12 POINTS. 8/12 points. 5. Final control work: PH 1.1-1.3; PH 2.1-2.3 - 12/20 points. The total grade for the semester consists of the points obtained for the audit work (which synthesises the work on theoretical material for preparation for the audit: oral answers, additions, presentation defence, test) and for independent work (tasks, presentation preparation). The course ends with a test. The final number of points in the discipline (60/100 points) is determined as the sum of points for work during the semester.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Vadymovych Levko
Department of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neo-Hellenistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology