Translation of poetry ( Modern Greek)

Course: Modern Greek philology, English and translation

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Translation of poetry ( Modern Greek)
ДВС 2.04
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 6. PLO 10. PLO 14. PLO 23.2.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) Successful completion of the complex discipline “Modern Greek Literature”, the discipline “Intercultural Communication and Translation (Modern Greek)”; 2) knowledge of the basic theoretical foundations of literary criticism, linguistics and translation studies theoretical foundations of literary studies, linguistics and translation studies; basic knowledge of the basic theoretical principles of literary studies, linguistics and translation studies; basic information from the courses of linguistic and country studies of Greece and Cyprus; 3) possession of basic skills of linguistic, linguistic pragmatic, linguistic textual and literary analysis, Greek at the level of analysis in Greek at the B2-C1 level.
Course content
The aim of the discipline is to deepen students' theoretical understanding of the principles of translation poetic text on the basis of linguistic and poetic analysis of poetic texts of the Modern Greek traditions that belong to different poetic systems and use different techniques and codes; to teach scientifically based search for translation options, idiological interaction with Ukrainian poetic tradition and the principles of Ukrainian translation schools, which will will facilitate the introduction of new names and works into Ukrainian linguistic culture. Annotation of the course of the discipline - The subject of the discipline is the study of the theoretical foundations of a separate branch of literary translation - poetic translation, namely, modern linguistic and cognitive linguistic cognitive, linguistic pragmatic, linguistic semiotic approaches to the phenomenon of poetic text, as well as the practical application of the acquired language competencies to perform translation task. In the content parts, students get acquainted with the most representative types of the Modern Greek poetic tradition and master their translation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Савенко А. Апорії Кавафіса// К.Кавафіс Вибране. Пер. з новогрецьк. А.Савенка, Г.Кочура, О.Пономарева, Н.Гонтар та ін. Х.: Фоліо, 2017. С. 3-26. 2. Савенко А.О. Людина та Світ: поетична антропологія К. Кавафіса та Й. Сефериса// Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, серія «Філологія», вип.79, 2018. С. 118-124. 3. Савенко А.О. Переклад поеми Одиссеаса Елітиса «Пісня героїчні та скорботна за молодшим лейтенантом, що загинув у Албанії// Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Літературознавство, 2(32), 2022, 108-111. 4. Brills Companion to Classical Reception and Modern World Poetry/ Tambakaki Polina (ed.). Brill, 2023. 5. Εισαγωγή στην ποίηση του Ελύτη (Επιλογή κριτικών κειμένων)/ Επιμέλεια του Vitti Mario. Ηράκλειο, Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2009. 6. Εισαγωγή στην ποίηση του Σεφέρη (Επιλογή κριτικών κειμένων)/ Επιμέλεια του Δ.Δασκαλόπουλου. Ηράκλειο, Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις Κρήτης, 2013.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Teaching methods: lectures, independent work, practical classes. Learning activities: oral answer, supplement, participation in discussion, essay, creative task (translation), final final examination in the form of tests.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of semester work: 1. Oral answer: RN 1.1-1.3; RN 2.1-2.3; RN 3.1-3.2; RN 4.2 - 24/40 points. 2. Additions, participation in the discussion: L1.1-1.3; L2.1-2.3; L3.1-3.2; L4.2 8/16 points. 3. Summary: WP 1.1-1.3; WP 2.1-2.2; WP 3.1-3.2; WP 4.1-4.2 - 8/12 points. 4. Creative Creative task (translation): EL 2.1-2.3; EL 3.2; EL 4.1-4.2 - 8/12 points. 5. Final control work in the form of tests. The total grade for the semester consists of points received for classroom work (oral answers, additions and participation in discussions at lectures and seminars), independent creative work (essay, translation) and a final test. The course ends with a test. The total number of points in the discipline (60/100 points) is determined as the sum of points for work during the semester.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Modern Greek


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Andrii Oleksandrovych Savenko
Department of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neo-Hellenistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology