Methods of teaching foreign language and foreign literature in higher education institutions
Course: Modern Greek philology, English and translation
Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Methods of teaching foreign language and foreign literature in higher education institutions
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 3. PLO 18. PLO 19. PLO 20. PLO 21.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know: 1) the peculiarities of linguodidactics as a science and branch methods; the peculiarities of
pedagogical discourse; a variety of strategies and tactics of a foreign language teacher, methods and
methods and techniques of teaching English in primary school; methods of conducting
methods of teaching elective and special courses in English as a second language in primary school; 2)
basic historical and literary courses, basic methods of literary analysis, basic literary terms for
literary terms for the reception of texts of the main trends, movements, styles of foreign
literature. Be able to: 1) design a course of study in English in programs, plans,
textbooks; use methods, techniques in various organizational forms of teaching in
educational institutions; build a set of exercises, tasks for students to master various
aspects of language and speech; 2) analyze literary works and the literary process at the level of
Bachelor's degree in higher education.
Course content
The aim of the discipline is to form a professional understanding of the role of foreign language courses in the preparation of
understanding of the role of foreign language and foreign literature courses in the training of students of various
humanitarian specialties. Summary of the subject - Methods of teaching foreign languages
in higher education contributes to the formation of the ability to apply technologies, approaches, methods, principles,
means of teaching foreign languages, the ability to apply domestic and international experience in teaching foreign languages,
the ability to control and correct knowledge, skills and abilities of university students in IM,
the ability to solve problems related to the process of teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions; to adapt to
changes in the educational space. The methodology of teaching foreign literature in higher education introduces
students with the main theoretical and methodological parameters of the course of foreign literature in higher education;
modern methodological forms of teaching the course in the context of active learning in
modern higher education institutions, in particular, with methods of creating a heuristic situation as a stimulus for active learning
learning in various forms of lectures and seminars.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Блум, Гарольд. Західний канон. К.: Факт, 2007. 2. Гладишев В.В. Теорія і практика
контекстного вивчення художніх творів у шкільному курсі зарубіжної літератури. Миколаїв,
2006. 3. Методика навчання іноземних мов у закладах вищої освіти: колективна монографія /
Шовковий В., Валентон І., Дружченко Т., Кавицька Т., Кавицький А., Квасова О., Кравченко
А., Осідак В., Патієвич О., Радчук Р., Романов І., Сем’ян Н., Сорокіна Н., Шовкова Т. (за
загальною редакцією Шовкового В.). К., 2021. 4. Тарнопольський О.Б. Методика викладання
іноземних мов та їх аспектів у вищій школі: підручник / О.Б. Тарнопольський, М.Р. Кабанова.
Дніпро, 2019. Ваґнер Тоні, Дінтерсміт Тед. Мистецтво навчати. Як підготувати дитину до
реального життя. К., 2017.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Teaching methods: lectures, independent work, seminars. Learning activities:
development of teaching technologies, lesson plans, answers at seminars, participation in
discussions, modeling of lecture and seminar prospectus, final test
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of semester work: 1. Development of teaching technologies - 6/10 points. 2. Plans.
Class notes - 12/20 points. 3. Answers at seminars - 6/10 points. 4. Participation in the discussion
- 6/10 points. 5. Modeling a lecture and seminar prospectus - 18/30 points. 6.
Final control work: PH1.1-1.2, 2.1, 3.1-3.2 - 12/20 points.
The semester number of points is formed by the points obtained by the student in the process of mastering material from the entire course. The total grade for the semester consists of points
received for classroom work (which synthesizes and independent work on theoretical
material to prepare for the classroom) and for independent work. The discipline ends with a
with a test. The total number of points in the discipline (60/100 points) is determined as the sum of points for work during the semester.
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
Department of methods of teaching ukrainian and foreign languages and literatures
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Department of Foreign Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline
Department of methods of teaching ukrainian and foreign languages and literatures
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Department of Foreign Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology