Comprehensive final exam in Greek philology and translation
Course: Modern Greek philology, English and translation
Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Comprehensive final exam in Greek philology and translation
ННД 12
Module type
Екзаменаційна комісія
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. PLO 6. PLO 9. PLO 14. PLO 16.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Have a minimum of B2 level of Greek according to the Common European Framework of
CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment); Successful
Successful mastery of academic disciplines: Communication Strategies (New Greek),
Intercultural Communication and Translation (New Greek), Modern Greek Literature.
Students who have completed the comprehensive final exam in Greek philology and translation
students who have fulfilled all the requirements of the curriculum are allowed to take the comprehensive final exam.
Course content
The comprehensive final exam in Modern Greek Philology and Translation is designed to test
knowledge of the most important issues of Modern Greek philology and modern linguistics,
literary studies and translation studies, the ability to carry out professional theoretical and applied
analysis of linguistic and literary material, as well as the level of communication skills
in the New Greek linguistic and cultural environment and translation from/into the New Greek language.
The comprehensive final exam in New Greek Philology and Translation is designed to test
knowledge of theoretical linguistic knowledge of communicative linguistics, cognitive linguistics, discourse
linguistics, discourse studies, linguistic and cultural studies, applied linguistics, translation studies,
literary comparative studies, linguistic poetics, literary criticism, as well as
the level of proficiency in the New Greek language at the phonetic, morphological, syntactic
lexical and textual levels.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Короткий новогрецько-український фразеологічний словник/ Упор. А.О.Савенко. К.: ПП
«Рекламна агенція Да Вінчі», 2021. 2. Мрія у хвилі: мала новогрецька проза кінця ХІХ —
початку ХХ ст. / пер. з новогрецької; упорядн. А. Савенко. Львів : Видавництво «Апріорі»,
2021. 3. Wodak Ruth, Forchtner Bernhard (2017). The Routledge Handbook of Language and
Politics. Routledge. 4. Κούρτοβικ Δ. Η Ελιά και η Φλαμουριά: Ελλάδα και κόσμος, άτομο και
Ιστορία στην ελληνική πεζογραφία 1974-2020. Αθήνα, Εκδ. Πατάκη, 2021. 5. У пошуках гармонії
мови. До 80-ліття від дня народження члена-кореспондента Національної академії наук
України, доктора філологічних наук, професора Ніни Федорівни Клименко. Київ:
Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго, 2020.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The comprehensive final exam is conducted in the Greek language. It is allowed to
the use of the Ukrainian language in answering a theoretical question on literary studies and
translation studies. The comprehensive final exam in Greek philology and translation
consists of four stages, which are reflected in the corresponding tasks in the exam paper.
The exam paper includes: 1) theoretical questions on modern linguistics (Modern Greek) and literary studies
(Greek literature), 2) questions on translation theory, 3) written translation of two texts
from New Greek/Ukrainian, 4) an oral spontaneous speech on the proposed topic.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of knowledge, which is revealed at four successive stages, is carried out in accordance with
the criteria for assessing students' answers in the final exam in English.
The number of points that a graduate can score is formed by the sum of points for 3 tasks:
maximum number of points - 100 (30 points - 1 task; 15 points - 2 tasks; 30 points - 3 tasks; 25 points - 4 tasks), minimum positive score - 100 points.
assignments), the minimum positive number of points is 60.
Language of instruction
Modern Greek
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline