Megatrends and actors of international policy.
Course: international Relations
Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Megatrends and actors of international policy.
ВБ 28
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO6. Be able to identify and predict political,
diplomatic, security, social and other risks in the field of
international relations and global development.
PLO8. Prepare analytical reports, reports and other
documents on the state of international relations and
world politics.
PLO11. Carry out preparation, development and
implementation of applied research projects in
international relations, foreign and world policy.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know the concepts and nature of megatrends and
theories of global development, basic theoretical
approaches to the study of megatrends and actors of
international politics in international political science,
research methods.
To know the main trends and issues related to the
activities of metagrands and actors in international
To know how to identify which processes are caused by
the activities of different metagrands.
To understand the current state of the political system
of the world, the role of various metagrands in this
To analyze the activities of metagrands and actors in
international politics.
To critically evaluate the various theoretical schools
and approaches that exist in international political
science on this issue.
To apply theoretical knowledge to analyze current
trends related to the activities of different actors.
Course content
Module 1.
1. Globalization as a factor in global development.
2. The concept of global development and its systemic
3. Basic paradigms of global development research.
4. Formation of the discourse of planetary problems
and planetary ideology.
5. Globalism as a new integrated science of the modern
world. Stages of development, basic theories of global
6. Current trends in global development.
Module 2.
1. World politics as a phenomenon of the global world
and as a category of analysis of political institutions and
processes at the global level Megatrends of world
2. Formation of an interdependent world. Global
problems, global risks, global challenges.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Глобальні тренди міжнародних відносин. Монографія.
К.:Вадекс, 2020.- 524 с.
2. Мегатренды мировой политики и их развитие в ХХІ
веке: Учеб. Пособие М41 для студентов вузов/ Под ред.
М.М. Лебедевой. – М.: Издательство «Аспект Пресс»,
2019. – 400 с.
3. Баталов Э. Я. Современные глобальные
тренды и новое сознание // Международные
процессы. Том 10, № 1 (28). Январь-апрель
4. Гелл Д., Е. МакГрю, Д. Голдбрайт,
Дж.Перратон. Глобальні трансформації.
Політика, економіка, культура. Пер. з англ.
Переднє слово Ю. Павленка. – К.: Фенікс,
5. Глобалізація і сучасний міжнародний процес/
за заг.ред. проф. Б.Гуменюка і проф.
С.Шергіна. – К.: Університет «Україна», 2009.
– 508 с.
6. Мегатренды. Основные траетории эволюции
мирового порядка в ХХ1 веке Основные
траектории эволюции мирового порядка в
ХХ1 веке: Учебник / под ред. Т.А.Шаклеиной,
А.А.Байкова. – М.:ЗАО Издательство «Аспет
Пресс», 2013. – 488 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, presentations.
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers, comments, blitz poll, discussion,
problems – up to 30 points.
2. Tasks for individual work (case study presentation) –
up to 10 points.
3.Module control work – up to 20 points.
Language of instruction
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