Production translation practice with a break from theoretical training (English)

Course: General and Domain-Specific Translation and Interpreting from French and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Production translation practice with a break from theoretical training (English)
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 5. To find optimal ways for effective interaction in the professional community and with representatives of other professional groups at various levels. PLO 6. To use knowledge on expressive, emotive, logical language means and speech techniques in order to achieve an intended pragmatic result and organize successful communication. PLO 16. To use specialized conceptual knowledge in a chosen linguistic field to solve complex tasks and issues, which require updates and integration of knowledge, often under conditions of incomplete or lacking information and contradictory requirements. PLO 17. To plan, organize, perform and present research and / or innovative developments in a specific linguistic field. PLO 19. To detect systemic interlingual differences and take them into account in translation practice. PLO 21. To know the specifics of translator work in various fields (textual, media, audiovisual, web-space) and be able to use necessary tools and techniques.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Succesful results of the theorical and practical courses of the Master Degree Programm. 2. Ukrainian Language level no less then C2, English Language level no less then B2.
Course content
In accordance with the full-time translation internship the student is required to work as an interpreter and translator of general and specialized texts from English into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into English. Students get acquainted with practical aspects of the profession of a translator/interpreter, get the chance of applying acquired knowledge and skills by using different techniques of translation/interpreting in accordance with the task they have received. Students put to the test their ability to understand a translation/interpreting task, to choose right strategies and tactics of completing their task in the English-Ukrainian pair of languages on the basis of the material received form a translation customer, learn to communicate with colleagues and customers at their work place, to edit their own translation and translations done by other translators, to work in a team while carrying out a project, to prepare supporting documents, and to present their projects.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Гач Н. О. Практикум з перекладу ділового мовлення. Київ-Тернопіль: Джура, 2018. 128 с. 2. Гнатюк Н. Г., Славова Л. Л. Seeing Eye-to-Eye: Idioms, Translation, Culture : навч. посіб. (англ. мовою). Житомир: Вид-во ЖДУ імені Івана Франка, 2018. 65 с. 3. Копильна О. М. Практика реферативного перекладу. Київ: Ліра-К, 2019. 136 с. 4. Максімов С.Є. Практичний курс перекладу (англійської та української мов): Навчальний посібник. . ̶ Київ: Ленвіт, 2012 . ̶ 203с. 5. Ребрій О. В. Переклад англомовної громадсько-політичної літератури. Європейський Союз та інші міжнародні політичні, економічні, фінансові та військові організації. Навч. посіб. ; за ред. Л. М.Черноватого та В. І. Карабана. Вінниця: Нова книга, 2009. 240 с. 6. Скороходько Е. Ф. Сучасна англійська термінологія. Київ: Вид-во УІЛМ, 2002. 7. Gile D. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpret and Translator Training. John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2009.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Advisory meetings; practical training; independent work; protection of practice.
Assessment methods and criteria
During the semester, evaluation is carried out in accordance with the types of works and the form of the counter, described in clause 8.1. The credit is given based on the results of the student's work throughout the practice and does not include additional assessment measures. Students who scored the minimum positive number of points ‒ 60 receive "satisfactory". Students who did not score the minimum positive number of points ‒ 60 receive ‒ "unsatisfactory". Students who scored a total of less than 60 points during the semester must submit all the necessary documents listed above to receive an assessment for practice.
Language of instruction
English, Ukrainian


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