Training to prevent professional burnout of a social educator

Course: Social Pedagogy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Training to prevent professional burnout of a social educator
ВБ 2.3
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO1. LO2. LO6. LO7. LО8. LO9. LO13. LO15. LO18. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section " Programme Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student must know: components, factors, symptoms of emotional burnout syndrome. The student must be able: to organize professional activities of a social teacher in order to prevent professional burnout. The student must have: time management skills in the prevention of emotional burnout.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline - students should master knowledge about the forms of manifestations, causes and ways to overcome the professional burnout of social teacher. The discipline occupies one of the leading places in the structural and logical scheme of professional training of specialists of educational level "Master." The discipline contains two content modules. The first module reveals the phenomenon of professional burnout of a social teacher. The second module is devoted to the technologies of preventing the emotional burnout of a social teacher.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Keryk O. Profesiine vyhorannia ta proiavy «vtorynnoi travmy» u fakhivtsiv systemy «liudyna-liudyna». Problemy humanitarnykh nauk : zbirnyk naukovykh prats DDPU imeni Ivana Franka. Drohobych, 2013. Vyp. 31 «Psykholohiia». S. 64–73. 2. Koltunovych T. A. Yak ne zghority v polumi profesii : teoriia, diahnostyka, korektsiia : navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk / T. A. Koltunovych. – 2-he vyd., pererob. i dop. – Chernivtsi: Vydavnychyi dim «RODOVID», 2016. – 164 s. 3. Koshechko N. Profilaktyka syndromu «emotsiinoho profesiinoho vyhorannia» vykladacha VNZ / N. Koshechko // Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Pedahohika. – 2016. – Vyp. 1. – S. 21-28. 4. Perkhailo H. Poperedzhennia profesiinoho vyhoriannia maibutnikh pratsivnykiv sotsialnoi sfery. Pedahohika ta psykholohiia: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Kharkiv, 2016. Vyp. 55. S. 204–210. 5. Greenberg J. S. Comprehensive stress management/ McGraw-Hill Education.‒ 2020.‒ 480p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, Individual work, preparation of presentations, analytical materials, reports on solving practical problems.
Assessment methods and criteria
The maximum number of points on the exam - 40 points, the minimum number of points that are added to the semester - 24 points (60% of the maximum number of points allocated for the exam). Students who scored a total of less than the critical-minimum minimum - 20 points before the exam are not allowed. The recommended minimum for admission to the exam is -36 points. Excellent 90-100 points. Good 75-89 points. Satisfactory 60-74 points. Fail 0-59 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Yuliia Mykhailivna Krasilova
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology