Natural and cultural heritage of the world

Course: Transboundary Environmental Cooperation

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Natural and cultural heritage of the world
ВБ 3.03.01
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To observe morally- ethical aspects of research, honesty, professional code behavior. (PRN11).
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastering of the disciplines "Geology", "Geomorphology", "Hydrology and oceanology", "Soil science", "Biogeography", "Landscape science", "Physical geography of continents and oceans", "Protected business", "Fundamentals of geoecology", etc. 2. To know the starting points of the sciences of natural and social geography direction, in particular the properties and regularities of the development of the geographical envelope and its structural units (landscape complexes), the flow of exogenous and endogenous processes, human influence on the natural environment and its consequences impact, peculiarities of the territorial location of the population and the economy. 3. To be able to apply the methods of scientific research (cartographic, observation, analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, typification, generalization and systematization, etc.) when studying geographical space,
Course content
In this discipline, the main ones are noted tasks of environmental protection activities, in particular the need for conservation natural (landscape) diversity, unique cultural objects and phenomena on world level. The role of geographical science in study and protection is noted natural and social wealth. An overview of natural and cultural is being conducted heritage of Europe and Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia and Oceania. Attention is drawn to the natural and cultural heritage of Ukraine and its importance for the world community is noted. It consists of two substantive parts (modules) and is aimed at forming special geographical skills in students competences, in particular content (empirical and theoretical knowledge), operational (skills, skills, methods of educational and cognitive activity and their experience 4application for solving problems of a theoretical and practical nature) and worldview (geographic picture of the world, emotional and value attitude to the environment and human activity in it, acquired creative activity) components.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Скарлато Георгій. Цікава географія: -К.: "Альтерпрес", 1996. – 415 с. 2. Масляк П.О. Географія Африки: Наук.-попул.вид. / П.О. Масляк, П.Г. Шищенко. – К.: Стафед-2, 1999. – 160 с. 3. Самойленко В.М., Діброва І.О. (2019).Природничо-географічне моделювання. Київ, 320 с Додаткова: 1. Географічна енциклопедія України: В3 т. –К.: Укр. енциклопедія ім. М.П. Бажана, 1989-1993. 2. Відейко М.Ю.Шляхами трипільського світу. – К., 2008. 3. Мозолевський Б.М.Скіфський степ. – К., 2008. 4. Рахівський район: природа, населення, господарство : навч.-метод. посіб. із професійно- орієнтованої практики / С.П. Запотоцький, Ю.С. Брайчевський, О.О. Галаган та ін. ; за ред. Я.Б. Олійника. –К.: ВПЦ "Київський університет", 2016. – 254 с. 5. Національний атлас України. –К.: ДНВП "Картографія", 2009. – 440 с. 6. Історичний атлас України. Найдавніше минуле. Русь (Київська держава, Галицько-Волинська держава). – К., «Мапа», 2010. – 300 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, practical occupation
Assessment methods and criteria
orally poll, blitz - poll, tests, presentations, discourse
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Ivan Oleksandrovych Dibrova
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet