Financial Institutions and Risk Management

Faculty of Economics

Financial Institutions and Risk Management
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Finance, Banking and Insurance of educational program "Financial Institutions and Risk Management"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Management and administration
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Admission is based on the results of a single entrance exam in a foreign language and an entrance exam in a major subject. The holders of bachelor's degrees in other specialization, took additional entrance exam in the major subject
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
First cycle of higher education (NQF Level 6) or higher.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The certification of graduates of the educational program is carried out through the public defense of the qualifying master's thesis and concludes with the issuance of a prescribed document conferring the master's degree and granting the corresponding qualification. The defense of the final thesis assesses the ability to conduct research on specific areas of financial institutions' activities and their management.
Programme learning outcomes
PR1. Utilize the fundamental patterns of development in finance, banking, and insurance in conjunction with research and managerial tools to carry out professional and scientific activities. PR2. Have knowledge of the basic concepts and methodologies of scientific understanding in the field of finance, banking, and insurance at the level of the latest achievements. PR3. Adapt and modify existing scientific approaches and methods to specific situations in professional activities. PR4. Seek, process, systematize, and analyze information necessary for solving professional and scientific tasks in the field of finance, banking, and insurance. PR5. Communicate fluently in a foreign language, both orally and in writing, on professional and scientific topics, present and discuss research results. PR6. Present research findings in a accessible and well-reasoned manner, both orally and in writing, and participate in professional discussions. PR7. Resolve ethical dilemmas based on legal norms, ethical principles, and universal values. PR8. Apply innovative approaches in the field of finance, banking, and insurance and manage them effectively. PR9. Apply managerial skills in the field of finance, banking, and insurance. PR10. Conduct diagnostics and modeling of financial activities of economic entities, including financial institutions. PR11. Apply advanced knowledge in the field of risk management and the operations of financial institutions to make decisions. PR12. Justify the choice of managerial decisions in the field of finance, banking, and insurance and evaluate their effectiveness considering goals, constraints, legislative, and ethical aspects. PR13. Assess the complexity of tasks in planning the activities of financial institutions and processing their results. PR14. Determine the vectors of targeted financing, directions, and specifics of relationships with fundraisers, apply methods for determining the required amounts of funds, attract venture capital, and employ dilution techniques. PR15. Identify vectors of innovative development in the market of financial services and the directions and specifics of applying innovative financial platforms. PR16. Apply interdisciplinary and specialized research methods aimed at understanding applied aspects in behavioral finance. PR17. Critically evaluate proposed managerial decision options, develop and justify proposals for their improvement considering criteria of uncertainty, rapid changes, risks, and potential consequences. PR18. Demonstrate skills in preparing financial statements, analyzing and interpreting financial, statistical, and related information.
Form of study
External form
Examination regulations and grading scale
The final evaluation of learning outcomes at the University is carried out on a single 100-point scale. The assessment of the applicant corresponds to the ratio established of the level of professional and general competencies to the planned learning outcomes (as a percentage). The minimum positive level of assessment is 60 points. According to the results of exams, according to the results of diploma work; based on the results of practice work, the student is also graded on a four-point scale: “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, “Unsatisfactory”. If the final exam is not conducted after some disciplines, the results of the applicant’s work are evaluated on a 2-point scale: “Passed” or “Fail”. Observance of academic integrity by all participants in the educational process is mandatory.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Department of Insurance, Banking and Risk Management
Faculty of Economics
Occupational profiles of graduates
The ability to perform professional tasks and hold positions in organizations across various sectors of economic activity, with job responsibilities that require competence in the field of finance, banking, and insurance, including: Central banks, Second-tier banks, Consulting companies, Asset management companies, Investment institutes, Non-governmental pension funds, Insurance companies, Rating agencies, Other non-banking financial and credit institutions. Professionals with expertise in finance, banking, and insurance can pursue careers in these organizations and contribute to their operations in various capacities.
Access to further studies
The possibility of studying in a PhD program: Level 9 of the NQF, the third cycle of the QEHEA, and Level 8 of the EQF-LLL