«English Language and Literature»

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

«English Language and Literature»
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master in philology (Germanic Languages and Literatures (translation is included), first language – English)
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor’s degree in specialty 035 «Philology» or other specialties.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
To obtain the qualification «Higher School Teacher (English language and literature)»: choosing the block «English Language in Multicultural Learning Environments» or «Modern Literature of English-Speaking Countries»; mastering the selectives and disciplines «Psychology for Higher School», «Pedagogy for Higher School», and «Methods of Teaching English Language and Literature Philology in Higher Education» (≥75 points); passing teaching practice and the Exit Exam (≥75 points) (see Program, §3)
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1 To assess own educational, scientific and professional activities, to build and implement an effective strategy of personal and professional self-development. PLO 2 To demonstrate the proper level of English language proficiency in written and oral communication, especially in professional and scientific communication, and present research results in English. PLO 3. To apply modern methods and technologies, in particular, IT for effective implementation of professional activities and ensuring the quality of scientific research in a specific philological area. PLO 4. To appreciate diversity and multiculturality of the world and be guided in own work by modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation. PLO 5. To evaluate and critically analyze socially, personally and professionally significant problems and suggest ways to solve them, giving reason for own point of view. PLO 6. To find the optimal ways to effectively collaborate with co-workers and with representatives of other professional groups of different levels. PLO 7. To apply knowledge of expressive, emotional, and logical language means, and speech techniques to achieve the desired pragmatic result and successful communication. PLO 8. To analyze, compare and classify different directions and schools in linguistics and literary criticism. PLO 9. To assess historical and recent achievements in philology. PLO 10. To describe theoretical and practical aspects of a specific philological area, primarily English studies. PLO 11. To demonstrate in-depth knowledge within the chosen philological specialization. PLO 12. To carry out a scientific analysis of linguistic and literary materials, to interpret and structure them, following classical and modern methodological principles, and make generalizations based on the obtained data. PLO 13. To adhere to the rules of academic integrity. (see Program Profile for the full list)
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Assessment of learning outcomes is based on the 100-point scale, the Ukrainian national grading scale, and ECTS grading scale. Assessment forms include: exams (written, oral, mixed), credits, differentiated credits, formative assessment (oral quizzes, tests, portfolio, projects), attestation and exit exams, public defense of the qualifying paper/thesis (oral presentation of research findings, using a variety of data visualization). Specific kinds of assessment are described in syllabuses. The core principles of assessment policy are identified in the “Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process in TSNUK”. To maintain academic integrity, all university students are governed by the norms of the “Code of Ethics of the University Community”
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Within the EU Erasmus + program, based on bilateral agreements between Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and educational institutions of partner countries.
Work placement
The program includes two types of compulsory teaching practice in higher school, with a break from theoretical education. Each teaching practice lasts six weeks. Successful passing of both English language teaching practice and English literature teaching practice is one of the requirements for receiving the professional qualification «Higher School Teacher (English language and literature)». Teaching practice is an integral part of training professionals to teach in higher school, the logical completion of university education, and opportunity to apply knowledge in practice. It involves the application of a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students during their studies at university, including knowledge of the English language and literature, fundamentals of intercultural communication, pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching English and literature in higher education, specifics of teaching English as a foreign language in a multicultural environment, etc.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Olga Volodymyrivna Yashenkova
Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
Master of Philology can work in scientific and educational spheres; occupy teaching, scientific research and administrative positions in higher educational establishments; in print and electronic mass media, in various funds, unions, humanitarian and socio-economic foundations, cultural centers, etc.
Access to further studies
Possibility to study under the program of the third FQ-EHEA cycle, EQF-LLL level 8 and HPK Ukraine level 8, as well as to acquire additional postgraduate qualifications.