Landscape Design of the Urbanized Environment (Master)

Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Landscape Design of the Urbanized Environment (Master)
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Garden and Park Management
Length of programme
1,5 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Agrarian sciences and food
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Presence of the first level of higher education and bachelor's degree. Categories of persons subject to special conditions of participation in the competitive selection for higher education on the basis of complete general secondary education in accordance with the Rules of Admission to the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2022.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Persons with bachelor's, master's or specialist's degree are admitted to study for master's degree. A person may enter the University to obtain master's degree on the basis of bachelor's, master's or specialist’s degree obtained in another specialty, provided that entrance examinations are completed successfully.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Academic qualification is awarded on the condition of successful mastery of the educational components of the program, successful completion of the comprehensive examination and public defense of the final qualification thesis. Professional qualification Specialist in Landscape Design is awarded by the decision of commission.
Programme learning outcomes
LO1. To substantiate the technological processes of engineering preparation of the territory, construction and maintenance of landscape gardening facilities. LO2. To organize and carry out work on urban monitoring and inventory at the objects of landscape gardening, natural and cultural landscapes and cadaster of green spaces. LO3. To propose and introduce into production modern technologies for growing planting material: ornamental trees, shrubs, flower crops, lawn grasses. LO4. To assess the cost-effectiveness of proposed actions. LO5. To propose and organize ecological, biological and technological measures for the creation and maintenance of landscape gardening facilities, natural and cultural landscapes. LO6. To plan and organize work on the engineering preparation of the territory, the construction and maintenance of landscape gardening facilities, natural and cultural landscapes. LO7. To carry out effective management of gardening facilities, natural and cultural landscapes, taking into account 28 technological, legal, economic, environmental and other aspects. LO8. To organize the work of a team of project executors. LO9. To present the results of completed research in the field of landscape gardening to specialists and non-specialists. LO10. To develop projects for landscaping, landscape gardening and landscape architecture; to develop projects for the restoration and reconstruction of landscaping, cultural heritage; to design winter gardens in the interiors of office and residential buildings, landscaping of roofs, greenhouses and hothouse complexes. The rest of the learning outcomes can be found in the attached Program Profile.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Current (testing, presentation / report assessment, calculation tasks, laboratory reports, etc.) and final control is carried out in the form of credits / differentiated credits, written, oral, or combined examinations in educational components (including the defence of report after the vocational and vocational pre-diploma practice, public defence of the course paper), public defence of the master’s qualification thesis, a comprehensive examination. The final assessment of learning outcomes is carried out according to the common 100-marks scale. The minimum threshold level of assessment for an educational component is 60% of the maximum possible number of marks. The scale of marks correspondence: Excellent 90-100 Good 75-89 Satisfactory 60-74 Unsatisfactory 1-59 Pass 60-100 Fail 0-59
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
The purpose of the educational program is to train specialists who are able to solve complex problems and problems in the field of landscape gardening and green building or in the learning process, which are characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements and provide for scientific and design studies of landscape design of an urbanized environment, organization and operation of gardening and gardening facilities, park management and anthropogenically modified landscapes, in the formation of the green infrastructure of the city and / or the implementation of innovations and functions.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Vladyslava Аnatoliivna Badanina
Department of of Anatomy and Pathological Physiology
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center
Occupational profiles of graduates
The work of a professional in the field of landscape gardening, capable of conducting scientific and design research at landscape design, gardening and landscaping enterprises of various forms of ownership and subordination: in the relevant ministries.
Access to further studies
The possibility of studying under the program of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education; advanced training; retraining; postgraduate education.