Cultural anthropology with professional study of foreign language

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Cultural anthropology with professional study of foreign language
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master's degree (Cultural Studies)
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's or Master's degree
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The certification of graduates is open in the form of: passing the final exam in cultural anthropology; passing the final exam in a foreign language; defending the qualification work of the master's degree in cultural anthropology. Upon successful completion of the certification, the graduate receives documents on the award of a master's degree with the educational qualification "Master of Cultural Anthropology".
Programme learning outcomes
PLO 1. Understand the specifics and peculiarities of the implementation of cultural ideas, images and meanings, as well as critically evaluate the possibilities of their interpretation for solving socially significant problems. PLO 2. Analyze textual and visual sources of information on cultural phenomena and processes, verify information in accordance with professional tasks. PLO 3. Analyze cultural rights and freedoms, forms and mechanisms of their identification, inculturation, cultural adaptation, taking into account regional specifics. PLO 9. Organize and manage the activities of cultural institutions and relevant structural units of enterprises and institutions. PLO 18.1. To review, comment, annotate, edit and create original texts (scientific, popular science, journalistic, fiction) on cultural issues. PLO 18.2. Carry out expeditionary activities in order to identify, record elements of the NCC and prepare their inclusion in the national register and UNESCO World Heritage. A complete list of learning outcomes for the educational program is provided in the paragraph "Program Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Examinations (written, oral, mixed form), tests, differentiated tests, current control (presentations, abstracts), certification (final) examinations, defense of qualification (master's) work. The rules of examination and assessment provide for the implementation of the "Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv", the code of integrity "Ethical Code of the University Community" in teaching, learning, creative work and research. The exam is graded on a 100-point scale / national scale: 90-100 / Excellent; 75-84, 85-89 / Good; 60-64, 65-74 / Satisfactory; 1-34: 35-39 / Unsatisfactory. Grading on the test - 1-59 / Not credited; 60-100 / Credit.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Cultural research and production practice is a mandatory component of the training of specialists EP for future professional activities and is designed to deepen and develop professional skills, abilities and competencies, gain experience in cultural institutions, centers for the study. It helps students develop the professional skills of a research scientist; a cultural expert who organizes ethnocultural projects. The bases of practice are cultural centers, primarily KNU.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Liubov Mykolaiivna Kopanytsia
Department of folklore
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Occupational profiles of graduates
The master of cultural studies can carry out professional activities in academic, educational, state, public and media institutions and organizations, in research institutes and think tanks of humanitarian and social orientation; higher education institutions; cultural and art organizations, state and local governments, international organizations; in traditional and multimedia publications, mass media, publishing houses, advertising, information and travel agencies, marketing communications system, specializing in the field of cultural studies. Graduates can hold the following positions: researcher, expert, manager, executive and middle-level manager, teacher.
Access to further studies
Possibility of studying under the third cycle program of FQ-EHEA, level 8 of EQF-LLL and level 9 of National Qualifications Framework of Ukraine