Intertextual and intermedial studies

Course: Cultural anthropology with professional study of foreign language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Intertextual and intermedial studies
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Understand the specifics and features of the implementation of cultural ideas, images and meanings, as well as critically evaluate the possibilities of their interpretation to solve socially significant problems. PLO 2. Analyze textual and visual sources of information on cultural phenomena and processes, verify information in accordance with professional tasks. PLO 7. Evaluate the historical achievements and latest achievements of cultural studies. PLO 12. Collect, analyze and evaluate empirical facts and interpret them in accordance with modern theoretical concepts of the relevant field of cultural studies. PLO 16.1. Able to apply the methodology of intertextuality and modern reconstructive techniques both in the field of cultural anthropology and in an interdisciplinary aspect.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Master's students must have basic factual knowledge of a humanitarian nature, know the main issues of the history and theory of intertextuality as an interdisciplinary category, the meaning of terms that confirm the status of intertextuality. which forms the basis of the intertextual discourse of modern humanitarianism. To be able to analyze texts of ethnoculture as an intertextual phenomenon at a professional level, adapting priority concepts, theories and methods of observation, generalization and comprehensive analysis of the researched material. To have the basic methods of revealing various types of intertextual interactions within a work or phenomenon of ethnoculture; justify the expediency of using the method of intertextual analysis of folklore; correctly use the terminology used in intertextual analysis in research work corresponding to the second (master's) level.
Course content
The goal of the discipline is to provide students with systematic knowledge of intertextuality and to acquaint them with trends in the study of universal rules of intertextual interactions, in particular, using examples of the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people. Abstract. The educational discipline is aimed at getting acquainted with the main problems of the methodology of intertextual research as a subdivision of the science of culture. Its subject is the study of the problems of intertextual research and the specification of intertextual strategies and intertextual relations of classical and modern types of ethnocultural text. The task of the discipline: to form in students a complete system of knowledge about the main methods of revealing various types of intertextual interactions within the ethnocultural work; develop the necessary theoretical material that will help develop your folkloristic/ethnocultural conceptual, methodological and terminological-categorical apparatus.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1.Bilovus L. Teoriia intertekstualnosti: Stanovlennia poniat, tlumachennia terminiv, systematyka / Ternopilskyi derzh. pedahohichnyi un-t im. Volodymyra Hnatiuka. T., 2003. - 36 s. 2. Kopanytsia L.M. Metodychna rozrobka do kursu «Intertekstualnist u folklori» dlia studentiv zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity spetsializatsii 035.09 – «"Filolohiia" (Folklorystyka)» za osvitnoiu prohramoiu «Folklorystyka, mizhkulturna komunikatsiia, inozemna mova» osvitnoho stupenia «mahistr»Rezhym dostupu: 3. Pehe-Hro N. Vvedenye v teoryiu yntertekstualnosty / per. s fr. / obshch. red. y vstup. st. H.K. Kosykova. M.: Yzdatelstvo LKY, 2008. - 240 s. 4.Shapoval M. Intertekst u svitli rampy: mizhtekstovi ta mizhsubiektni reliatsii ukrainskoi dramy. K., 2009.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course includes 3 content parts. The first part of the course is "Theory of intertextuality: genesis, terminology, typology, functioning." The second part of the course is "Spectrum of intertextual relations: types of intertextuality, expressive means of intertextuality and methods of their detection." The third part of the course is "The selective nature of the introduction of the method of intertextuality as an approach to solving analytical problems of a general cultural plan." Forms of education: lectures, seminars, scientific seminar, independent work. Throughout the semester, after the lectures on the relevant topics, seminar classes are held, which are evaluated according to the types of work (oral answer, supplement, report at a scientific seminar, blitz survey, participation in discussions at lectures and seminar classes, intermediate control test, credit) .
Assessment methods and criteria
Контроль знань здійснюється за системою ECTS, яка передбачає дворівневе оцінювання засвоєного матеріалу, оцінювання теоретичної підготовки – результати навчання (знання) - 40% від загальної оцінки, та оцінювання практичної підготовки – результати навчання (вміння, комунікація, автономність та відповідальність – 60% загальної оцінки. Оцінювання семестрової роботи: усна відповідь, доповнення, участь в дискусії під час лекції, творчі та дослідницькі завдання: наукова (науково-популярна стаття, рецензія, дайджест), доповідь – 48/80 б. З них: усна відповідь, доповнення, участь у дискусіях на лекціях і семінарах, бліц- опитування, проміжний контрольний тест: 36/56 б. Науковий семінар презентація наукової доповіді: 12/24 б. Завершується дисципліна заліком у письмовій формі 12/20 б.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian Language


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Liubov Mykolaiivna Kopanytsia
Department of folklore
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of folklore
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology