Музейний туризм

Освітня програма: Історичне туризмознавство

Структурний підрозділ: Історичний факультет

Назва дисципліни
Музейний туризм
Код дисципліни
ОК 12
Тип модуля
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Цикл вищої освіти
Рік навчання
Семестр / Триместр
2 Семестр
Кількість кредитів ЕСТS
Результати навчання
To know the basic concepts and definitions of museum tourism. To know the features of the functioning of museum tourism as a component of cultural heritage tourism. To know the possibilities of major world and domestic museums in terms of using in tourism. To be able to characterize and presented the main museums of Ukraine and the world as tourist attractions. Be able to freely use the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of museum tourism to solve specific practical problems, in particular the creation of a tourism product for museum tourism. Make and justify decisions and be responsible for proposals and recommendations for the development of tourism tourism products
Форма навчання
Очна форма
Попередні умови та додаткові вимоги
General English on level 1 (B2 according to CEFR), general knowledge and basic skills in field of History.
Зміст навчальної дисципліни
The course "Museum tourism" is taught for the bachelor students of the Faculty of History. The course aims to form the specialized competencies necessary for carrying out professional activities in speciality 032 “History and archeology”. It is made in accordance with the educational and professional program of training on speciality 032 “History and archeology”. This course provides an overview of how Museums play a crucial role in the success of tourism by attracting millions of visitors. Museums are a great creation of Humanity. They play a crucial role in the success of World’s tourism, attracting a lot of visitors. They showcase the best of the history and culture from different nations to the widest possible audiences. They captivate visitors with objects that tell the stories of the world and offer a sense of place. Museum tourism is a type of tourism, the specificity of which is to use the tourist potential of museums and adjacent territories. The aim of the course is to form competence of valuing of museum possibilities in tourism and the basic knowledge on organization of museum tours in English. This course invite to developing strong museum tourism skills and professional language knowledge to prepare for a activity in the travel and tourism industry.
Рекомендована та необхідна література
Brida, J. G., Meleddu, M., & Pulina, M. (2012). Understanding urban tourism attractiveness: The case of the Archaeological Ötzi Museum in Bolzano. Journal of Travel Research, 51(6), 730-741.; Bruner, E. M. (1993). Introduction: Museums and Tourism. Museum Anthropology, 17(3), 6–6. https://doi.org/10.1525/MUA.1993.17.3.6; Ca Ro. Unesco Museum. https://www.academia.edu/22748781/Unesco_Museum; Meguid, O. A. W. A. (2005). The Nubia Museum's Role in the Community. Museum International, 57(1-2), 67–72. https://doi.org/10.1111/J.1468-0033.2005.00513.X; Murzyn-Kupisz M, Hołuj D. (2020). Museums and Coping with Overtourism. Sustainability. 12(5):2054. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12052054; Казьмирчук М. Г. (2020). Музейний туризм: Навчально-методичний посібник. Київ: УкрСІЧ.
Заплановані освітні заходи та методи викладання
Tasks (training goals). 1) To form a specialized knowledge on museum tourism. 2) To use the current approaches to museum tourism and understand the basic concepts and definitions of museum tourism. 3) To demonstrate the place of museum tourism in the structure of cultural and heritage tourism. 4) To form the practical skills for presenting museums as tourist attractions, Ukraine and the world museums as tourist objects.
Методи та критерії оцінювання
semester assessment: Evaluation of seminars (presentation, answer on question, activity in discussion) Evaluation of comprehensive test * Note: maximum / minimum for a positive assessment. final assessment: - It is done in the form of an exam; - the maximum of points that can be obtained by a student is 40 points; - the following student learning outcomes are assessed: the ability to present museums as tourist attractions, the ability to characterize the main museums of Ukraine and the world as tourist attractions; - the exam is written, types of tasks are detailed answers; - the exam grade cannot be lower 24 points to get an overall positive grade for the course. A student is not admitted to the exam if he/she has scored less during the semester 36 points. The condition for admission to the exam is the completion of the student all practical tasks with a total score of at least 12 points and a comprehensive test task with a score of at least 12 points.
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