International Trade and Investments

Course: Business administration and consulting. Double Degree option with the Unіversity of Macerata, Italy

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

International Trade and Investments
ОК 10
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. To know and be able to apply in practice modern marketing principles, theories, methods, and practical tools. PLO 3. To plan and conduct own marketing research, analyze its results, and justify effective marketing decisions under uncertainty. PLO 6. Be able to increase the efficiency of a market player’s activity at different managerial levels, develop and manage marketing projects. PLO 15. To collect necessary data from different sources, process, and analyze its dynamics using modern methods and specialized software. PLO 16. To be able to distinguish between scientific and practical research problems and solve them using marketing theories and methodology, as well as general and specific research methods.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know: the essence and the methods of entrepreneurial activity, the content of economic indicators, the form of international economic relations; the essence and mechanisms of the international economic system. 2. Be able to: calculate economic indicators, process statistical data, analyze primary information, work with international databases.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to form a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for students regarding the principles and features of international trade and investment activities. The program of the discipline consists of the following content modules: Module 1. "International Trade", which considers the essence of international trade and its main trends, the forms and the methods of trade, the global trade system, the foreign trade policy, and the foreign trade infrastructure. Module 2. "International investments", which considers the essence, the forms, and the factors of international investment activity; the specificity of the international direct and portfolio investment; the strategies, the instruments, and the features of investment in the international investment markets; the approaches to the assessment of the effectiveness of international direct and portfolio investments.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Міжнародна торгівля та інвестиції. І.Павленко, О. Варяніченко, Н. Навроцька. Навч. посіб. К.: Цент учбової літератури, 2017. 256с. 2/Міжнародна торговельна діяльність / наук. ред. В.В.Рокоча. К.:, 2018. 698 с. 3/Задоя А.О. Міжнародна інвестиційна діяльність: навчальний посібник. Дніпро: Університет ім. Альфреда Нобеля, 2018. 122 с 4/Міжнародна економіка: Практикум. Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. проф.Старостіної А.О. К.: НВП «Інтерсервіс», 2015. 416 с. 5/Міжнародна економіка: термінологічний словник/За заг. ред. А.О. Старостіної. К.: «НВП «Інтерсервіс», 2017. 248 с. 6/Зви Боди, Алекс Кейн, Алан Маркус. Принципы инвестиций. 4-е изд. 2019. 984 с. 7/Syllabus of discipline «International Trade and Investments» for postgraduate students, educational program «Business-administration» / T.V. Nagachevska, V.I. Sereda. К .: PublishingCenter «KyivUniversity», 2016. 50 p. 8/World Trade Report // 9/World Investment Report. URL:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, consultations, individual study, project
Assessment methods and criteria
Questioning, presentation of creative tasks, linking tasks, modular control work, defence of individual project, exam - semester assessment: 1. Surveys, creative tasks, modular control work (Min. – 12 points, Max.-20 points). 2. Surveys, creative tasks, modular control work (Min. – 12 points, Max.-20 points). 3. Execution and defense of the individual project (Min. – 12 points, Max.-20 points). Evaluation of the results of students' work at seminars, 2 modular control works – maximum 40 points; Evaluation of an individual project - a maximum of 20 points; - final assessment in the form of an exam – Max. 40/ Min 24 points. The following tasks are submitted to the exam: tests, creative tasks, theoretical questions, tasks.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Tetiana Nagachevska
Department of Marketing and Business-Administration
Faculty of Economics
Valentyna Sereda
Department of Marketing and Business-Administration
Faculty of Economics