Educational practice

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Educational practice
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 1. To search, analyze and synthesize information from various sources for solving professional tasks and to establish causal relationships between social events and phenomena. LO 2. To communicate fluently orally and in writing state and foreign languages on professional issues.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Prerequisites and additional requirements The student should know the following: - theoretical foundations of modern problems of psychology and social work, their promising directions of scientific research, and ways of solving them; - ethical principles of socio-psychological research; - basic methods of socio-psychological research, in particular, methods of data collection and their analysis; - the basics and principles of organization, training, and conducting social work with the client/clients (individual and group) - peculiarities of applying methods and technologies of social work according to the type of client/recipient of social services. The student should be able to: - Search for scientific psychological literature following the assigned tasks of empirical research; - use modern methods of collecting, analyzing, and processing scientific information; - self-organize personal work and allocate time effectively; work effectively without external instructions.
Course content
Students' educational practice is the first necessary stage in mastering the practical activities of students of the "social work" specialty, the quality of which depends on the different perceptions and evaluations of the professional activity of a social work specialist. Students in the 3rd year of the "social work" specialty undergo training. A student can undergo training in social service centers at the city and district levels, boarding houses, social rehabilitation institutions, public, charitable and international organizations, etc. The training practice aims to get acquainted with the content and forms of work at the future places of practice to perform specific tasks provided by the practice program. Based on practice, students can master basic professional skills and abilities and expand and deepen their knowledge of practical social work.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zbirnyk zakonodavchykh ta normatyvnykh aktiv pro osvitu / Ministerstvo osvity ta nauky Ukrainy. Informatsiinyi zbirnyk. K., 2001. [in Ukrainian]. 2. Metodychni rekomendatsii z orhanizatsii ta provedennia praktyky studentiv Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka fakultetu psykholohii viddilennia «Sotsialna robota» : navchalno-metodychna rozrobka / Uklad. L. Yu. Polivko, O. H. Piontkivska. Kyiv : KOMPRYNT, 2019. 38 s. [in Ukrainian].
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Implementation of the practice program
Assessment methods and criteria
After the end of the practice period, students report on the completion of assigned tasks. All tasks performed by the student-intern are subject to a differentiated assessment by the head of practice from the department. The department approves the final generalized assessment. Students defend the internship report at the department meeting within the first 10 days after the end of the internship. The department's general head recommends that the department evaluate the student's practice in a certain way. The department makes the final decision. The practice has a differentiated credit; the assessment for the practice is entered in the credit and examination record and in the student's record book under the signature of the general supervisor from the department. The grade for practice is taken into account when determining the scholarship. Rating scale: 90 - 100 «excellent» 75 - 89 «good» 60-74 «satisfactory» 0-59 «unsatisfactory/failed»
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olena Heorhiivna Piontkivska
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology