Methods of teaching economic disciplines in institutions higher educational

Course: Economics and Economic Policy

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

Methods of teaching economic disciplines in institutions higher educational
ОК 1.13
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To formulate, to analyze and to synthesize solutions to scientific and practical problems. To adhere to the principles of academic integrity. To collect, to process and to analyze statistical data, scientific and analytical materials needed to solve complex political and economic problems. To make effective decisions under uncertain conditions and requirements that require the application of new approaches, methods and tools of socio-economic and political-economic research. Justify management decisions for the effective development of economic entities, taking into account the goals, resources, constraints and risks. To plan and perform scientific and / or applied research, make sound conclusions based on research results, present results, argue your point of view. To carry out teaching activities in higher education institutions, develop teaching materials. To use modern educational and research technologies in the field of economics.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To demonstrate independent decision-making skills, leadership skills and teamwork skills To demonstrate communication skills in professional and scientific circles in the state and foreign languages To conduct research, generate new ideas, carry out innovative activities in the field of economics and economic policy To demonstrate high social responsibility and adherence to the principles of academic integrity To apply the basics of pedagogy and psychology in the educational process in higher education To be able to use modern technologies of training and transfer of economic knowledge for different categories of people interested in economic issues and working in different conditions To explain and communicate to specialists and non-specialists socio-economic information, ideas, problems, solutions
Course content
1. Higher economic education in Ukraine. Improving economic education in the context of implementing the provisions of the Bologna Process 2. Didactic tools of economic education 3. Lecture in the modern educational process 4. Practical and seminar classes in economic disciplines 5. Situational methods of teaching economic disciplines 6 Economic games and methods of their use in the educational process 7. Organization of independent work in the study of economic disciplines
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Аксьонова О.В. Методика викладання економічних дисциплін: Навч. посіб. – К.: КНЕУ, 2006.- 708 с. 2. Балягіна І.А., Богорад М.А., Ковальчук Г.О. Методика викладання економіки: Навч.-метод. посіб. для самостійного вивч. дисц. – К.: КНЕУ, 2003.- 341с . 3. Закон України "Про вищу освіту"від 01.07.2014 № 1556-VII. 4. Литвиненко Т.М. Осокіна В.В.Методика викладання економічних дисциплін. Практикум. – К.:КОМПРИНТ – 2015 – 126 с. 5. Найдьонов І.М., Ігнатюк А.І. Методика викладання фінансово-економічних дисциплін. 2-е вид., перероб. і допов. – К.: Видавництво Купріянова О.О. - 2005.- 382 с. 6. Педагогіка вищої школи: Навч. посіб. /З.Н.Курлянд, Р.І.Хмелюк, А.В.Семенова та ін. За ред. З.Н.Курлянд . – 3-тє вид., переробл. і доп. – К.: Знання, 2007- 495 с. 7. Тренінгові технології навчання з економічних дисциплін: Навч. посіб. / Ковальчук Г. О., Бутенко Н. Ю., Артюшина М. В. та ін.; За ред. Г. О. Ковальчук. — К.: КНЕУ, 2006. — 320 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, case study
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers, comments, blitz poll, discussion, problems – up to 30 points. 2. Tasks for individual work (case study presentation) – up to 10 points. 3.Module control work – up to 20 points. 4. Examination test work – up to 40 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Valerii Osetskyi
Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics