Fundamental Professional Training

Course: Advertising and Public Relations

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism

Fundamental Professional Training
061 «Журналістика»
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. Know and understand: 1.1 Concepts of social communication, mass communication, participants of mass communication, the role of journalists in mass communication environment alongside other participants in this process. 1.2 Theoretical foundations of journalistic profession. Practical/creative aspects of journalistic profession. Characteristics and features of different types of media. Current state and trends in development of media sphere in Ukraine. 1.3 Forms and methods of media research. 2. Be able to: 2.1 Differentiate participants of mass communication based on functions, tasks, methods, tools, etc. 2.2 Use concepts and terminology related to the subject matter of the discipline. 2.3 Collect, analyse, and synthesize information from various sources. 3. Communication: 3.1 Present results of conducted research, logically and convincingly defend their position. 4. Autonomy and responsibility: 4.1 Properly organise their work, use appropriate professional work technology.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Students should know - special requirements are not applicable. 2. Students should be able to - special requirements are not applicable. 3. Students should possess elementary skills in: • Working with a computer as a means of information management. • Searching for and processing information from global computer networks. • Collecting, storing, using, and disseminating information.
Course content
The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge in the theory and history of journalism and social communications and to develop the ability to apply knowledge in the field of social communications in the professional activities of a journalist. By mastering this course, students will be able to anticipate the audience’s reaction to informational products or actions, taking into account the principles and methods of social communication sciences. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of journalism within the framework of social communications, to provide theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the specifics of the journalistic profession, and to ensure students’ understanding of the essence of journalistic activities in all its multifaceted aspects. The course is taught in three semesters, with a total of 12 ECTS credits. It consists of three content modules. At the end of the first semester, there will be a cumulative assessment in the form of a credit, followed by another credit assessment at the end of the second semester. The course concludes with an exam in the third semester. Educational objectives/tasks: • Form a concept of journalism within the framework of social and mass communications. • Familiarise students with the basic principles of mass communication theory, information theory, and journalism theory. • Explore the specifics of broadcasting. • Develop theoretical and practical skills and abilities to apply and adhere to professional standards. • Establish the necessary knowledge in media legislation for professional activities. • Introduce media technologies, forms, and methods of media research. • Form a concept of media audience and forms of interaction with it. • Familiarise students with the history of the profession and journalism.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
CONTENT MODULE 1. 1. Rizun V. V. Teoriya masovoyi komunikatsiyi: pidruch. dlya stud. haluzi 0303 “zhurnalistyka ta informatsiya”. Kyiv: Vydavnychyy tsentr “Prosvita”, 2008. 260 s. 2. Ivanov V. Osnovni teoriyi masovoyi komunikatsiyi i zhurnalistyky: navch. posibnyk. Kyiv, 2010. 258 s. CONTENT MODULE 2. 1. Yelisovenko YU. P., Nahornyak M. V. Radiovyrobnytstvo: navchalʹnyy posibnyk / za zah. red. prof. V. V. Rizuna. Kyiv, 2017. 302 s. 2. Zhurnalist·sʹkyy fakh: hazetno-zhurnalʹne vyrobnytstvo: navch. posib. 2-he vyd., pererob. i dopov. / T. O. Prystupenko, R. V. Radchyk, M. K. Vasylenko ta in.; za red. V.V. Rizuna. Kyiv: Vyd.-polihraf. tsentr "Kyivsʹkyy universytet", 2012. 352 s. CONTENT MODULE 3. 1. Yevropeysʹka Konventsiya z prav lyudyny. Svoboda vyrazhennya pohlyadiv: Dovidnyk z ukrayinsʹkoho ta yevropeysʹkoho informatsiynoho zakonodavstva / Ukl. V. F. Ivanov, YU. YE. Zaytsev. Kyiv: TSVP, 2002. 309 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical class, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is taught in 3 semesters and has 3 content modules. Each content module includes lectures, practical classes, independent work, as well as cumulative assessment tasks in the form of exams in the 1st and 2nd semesters, and a research project in the 3rd semester. The final forms of evaluation are credit assessments (in the 1st and 2nd semesters) and an exam (in the 3rd semester). The assessment of students’ knowledge and performance is conducted through semester assessments (practical classes, independent work, cumulative assessment tasks, research project) and the completion of assignments is posted in Google Classroom (in the first semester), tests, and submission of practical assignments (in the 2nd and 3rd semesters), if a student has not earned the required number of cumulative points - 60. Successful completion of an assignment (practical classes, independent work, tests, research project) is rewarded with at least 60% of the maximum score.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Tetiana Anatoliyivna Trachuk
Department of Public Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism
Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Rizun
Department of Public Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism
Yurii Bondar
Department of Public Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism