Fundamentals of personnel management in the civil service

Course: Educational and professional program “Civil Service”

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service

Fundamentals of personnel management in the civil service
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know: basic concepts of formation and development of personnel management in the civil service, basic models, typology and functions of personnel management, Be able to: determine legal approaches to regulating the activities of personnel management services, modernisation processes in the context of civil service reform; substantiate the problems of improving personnel management on the basis of adaptation of EU standards to the practice of Ukraine; develop management decisions based on forecasting staffing needs To develop skills to apply: psychological principles of personnel management, effectiveness of the use of the occupational approach; innovative technologies of personnel management in the civil service; technologies of HR management in the civil service.
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know: the basic principles of personnel management, the basics of legislative support for the activities of public authorities in personnel management. Be able to use analytical and statistical methods of processing information on personnel management; work with national and international databases, scientific and other sources of information on personnel management. Master innovative technologies of personnel management in the civil service, in particular: HR management, selection and HR onboarding, integrated human resource management information system ‘HRMis’, ‘Total Rewards’, etc.
Course content
Theoretical and methodological foundations of personnel management in the civil service’ Topic 1: Evolution of the theory and practice of personnel management and basic concepts of formation and development. Topic 2. Methodology of personnel management Topic 3. Regulatory and legal regulation of human resources management services Topic 4. Basic models, typology and functions of HR management ‘HR process and HR management technologies in public authorities’ Topic 5. Modernisation of the personnel process in the context of civil service reform Topic 6. Psychological bases of personnel management in the civil service Topic 7. Innovative technologies of HR management in public authorities Topic 8: Tools for assessing staff performance
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Рекомендована та необхідна література 1. Збірник навч. кейсів для професійної підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації фахівців за спеціальністю «Публічне управління та адміністрування» / [Н. Алюшина, Ж. Кравченко, Н. Наулік, Я. Турунен, С. Хаджирадєва (заг. ред.) та ін.]. Київ : УШУ, 2022. 136. 2. Кадрове забезпечення органів місцевої влади у сфері надання публічних послуг : навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. О. І. Васильєвої, Н. В. Васильєвої, О. С. Ігнатенка. К. : НАДУ, 2017. 270 с. 3. Корчак Н.М., Ларіна Н.Б., Рачинський А.П., Хаджирадєва С.К. Основи управління персоналом на державній службі: навч. посіб., ННІПУДС КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка 2023. 220 с. 4. Психосоціальна підтримка публічних службовців в умовах воєнного стану : [практикум для тренерів] / Н. Алюшина, Ю. Жигуліна-Фаль, Н. Наулік та ін.; за заг. ред. проф. О. Редліха, С. Хаджирадєвої. Миколаїв: Ємельянова Т.В., 2022. 166 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Planned educational activities and teaching methods Semester assessment of such types of work as: discussions, surveys, problem solving, testing, control works are carried out during classes that take place on schedule. The student's independent work consists in the systematic study of regulatory and legislative acts and scientific sources on civil service. The material learned is subject to verification at each practical lesson in the form of an oral survey. In addition, the results of independent study of the material are checked in the form of short written papers, each of which is assessed with a maximum of 5 points. Missed classes are made up by the student completing additional calculation tasks in the discipline.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation methods and criteria Practical (seminar) classes - max. 35 points / min. 21 points . 2. Tests - max. 20 points / min. 12 points (two module tests) 3. Independent work - max. 5 points / min. 3 points 4. Individual analytical work - max. 20 points / min. 12 points. Retaking the semester control in order to improve a positive grade is not allowed. The final control is carried out in the form of a written test, which is assessed at a maximum of 20 points. The final grade in the discipline is assigned to the student based on the results of work during the semester as the sum of the points obtained during the academic semester, including the points obtained for independent work and the final control work.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Borysivna Larina
Department of Public Policy
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Public Policy
Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service