Practical social work with groups of social risk

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Practical social work with groups of social risk
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. To search, analyze and synthesize information from various sources for solving professional tasks and to establish causal relationships between social events and phenomena. PLO 3. To identify, formulate and solve problems in the field of social work, to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience. PLO 10. To analyze socio-psychological processes in small and large groups. PLO 11. To use prevent methods for deviations in mental development, behavioral disorders, interpersonal relationships breakdown, for conflict resolution, for prevention of social risks and difficult life circumstances. PLO 14. By their own to determine the circumstances which are needed social assistance.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know: - the subject of risk groups social work, to understand its essence; - basic principles and patterns of social work with risk groups; - basic methods and technologies of social work with risk groups. To be able: - to identify the main categories of clients of social work who belongs to the risk groups; - to define and independently analyze the basic concepts of social work with risk groups. Communication: - the ability to justify their own position during lobbying the interests of the client and analyze existing social changes that may lead to a risk situation. Autonomy and responsibility: - ability to apply creatively general scientific methods to achieve positive results in practice; - understanding of personal responsibility of a specialist in the implementation of socio-pedagogical or socio-psychological work with the client.
Course content
The practice of social work as a social activity covers many aspects of life, involves a variety of consumers of social services, different categories of clients, including risk groups. Therefore, the main task of the social sphere is to identify such categories of clients and provide them with social and psychological support, assistance and lobbying of their interests, using modern and appropriate methods and forms of social work. The purpose of the discipline “Practical social work with groups of social risk” is to acquaint students with the category of clients of the “risk groups’, socio-psychological characteristics of this category and the main forms of work with them.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Pylypenko O. I. Metodolohichni pidkhody do sotsialnoi roboty z hrupamy ryzyku. Suchasna sotsiolohichna paradyhma. K., MAUP, 2000. S. 76-80. 2. Sotsialna robota z vrazlyvymy simiamy ta ditmy: posib. u 2-kh ch.; Ch. 2 (Sotsialna robota z vrazlyvymy simiamy ta ditmy) / Za zah. red.: T. V. Zhuravel, Z. P. Kyianytsi. K. : OBNOVA KOMPANI, 2017. 352 s. 3. Sotsialna robota z riznymy katehoriiamy kliientiv: naukovo-navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv, mahistrantiv, aspirantiv ta spetsialistiv u haluzi sotsialnoi pedahohiky, otsialnoi roboty / Kharchenko S. Ya., Kratinov M. S., Vakhovskyi L. Ts., Kratinova V. O., Pesotska O. P., Karaman O. L. Luhansk: «Alma-mater», 2003. 198 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Workshop, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment methods: creative and reproductive tasks of independent work; preparation of practical tasks, workshops; modular control work; final evaluation in the form of a test. Form of final control – credit. The final grade for the discipline consists of 100 points: 60 points for the module and grades for the exam (40 points). A student is not allowed to take the final test if he scored less than 36 points during the semester. The credit score cannot be less than 24 points. Organization of assessment: the organization of the forms of assessment is provided by the curriculum and carried out during the semester including creative and reproductive tasks on independent work, preparation of practical tasks, workshops, discourses, a compilation of modular tests at the end of the discipline.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Larysa Yuriivna Polivko
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology
Nadiia Vitaliivna Butenko
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology