Photo topography

Course: Geoinformation systems and Technologies

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"

Photo topography
ВК 1.09
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know the theoretical foundations of geodesy, higher and engineering geodesy, topographic and thematic mapping, compilation and updating of maps, DZZ and photogrammetry, land management, real estate evaluation and land cadastre. Use the methods of information collection in the field of architecture and construction, its systematization and classification in accordance with the assigned project or production task. Use methods of mathematical processing for geological, hydrogeological and geodetic research. Develop projects, draw up maps and prepare data using computer technologies, geographic information systems and digital photogrammetry. To have the technologies and methods of planning and execution of shooting works and computer processing of shooting results in geoinformation systems. Ability to use modeling technologies and presentation of the model in a mathematical and algorithmic form.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Basic skills of working with geographic information systems and data processing of remote sensing.
Course content
The discipline occupies one of the leading places in the preparation of a specialist at the "bachelor" educational and qualification level, as it provides knowledge of the basics of using remote sensing methods for the tasks of obtaining spatial data for compiling topographic plans and maps. Students will be introduced to technologies for creating digital maps, standards for digital spatial data, classifiers of topographic information, as well as the issue of the application of geoinformation systems and technologies in the process of creating topographic maps.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Baran P. I. Inzhenerna heodeziia : monohr. / P. I. Baran. - K. : VIPOL, 2012. - 617 p. 2. Bilous V.V., Bodnar S.P. ta in. Dystantsiine zonduvannia z osnovamy fotohrametrii: Navch. Posibn. / V. V. Bilous, S. P. Bodnar, T. M. Kurach, A. M. Molochko, H. O. Patychenko, I. O. Plisetska ; uporiad. T. M. Kurach. K.: Vydavnycho-polihrafichnyi tsentr "Kyivskyi universytet", 2011. 367 p. 3. Burshtynska Kh.V. Aerofototopohrafiia: Pidr. Lviv: Vyd. LAHT, 1999, - 356 p. 4. Burshtynska Kh.V., Stankevych S.A. Aerokosmichni znimalni systemy: Pidr. Vyd-vo NU ”Lvivska politekhnika”, 2013.-376 p. 5. Dorozhynskyi O. L., Tukai R. Fothohrammetriia Pidr. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2008. 332 p. 6. Dorozhynskyi O.L. Analitychna ta tsyfrova fotohrammetriia. L.: Vyd-vo NU «LP», 2002.-163 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, laboratory and seminar classes, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Control is carried out according to the modular rating system and includes: preparation of presentations on the topics of lectures, seminars and laboratory classes (where students have to demonstrate the quality of acquired knowledge and solve tasks using the methods and tools outlined by the teacher), as well as conducting modular control works. The final assessment is conducted in the form of a written and oral exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Dmytro Liashenko
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"
Teniana Malik
Educational and Scientific Institute "Institute of Geology"