Dialects in Fiction

Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Dialects in Fiction
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1 Communicate fluently in English on professional issues with specialists and non-specialists, use English for the organization of effective intercultural communication. PLO 9 Characterize dialectal and social varieties of Ukrainian and English, describe sociolinguistic situation. PLO 10 Know language norms and be able to apply them in practical activity. PLO 12 Analyze language units, determine their interaction and characterize linguistic phenomena and the processes that cause them. PLO 14 Use Ukrainian and English in oral and written form in various genres, stylistic varieties and registers of communication (formal, informal, neutral) for solving communicative tasks in social, educational, professional, scientific spheres of life.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
"1.Successful completion of the courses ""Foundations of Linguistics"", complex discipline ""Contemporary Ukrainian Language"": Part 1. Lexicology, Phraseology, Lexicography; Part 2. Phonetics and Phonology. 2. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of general linguistics, phonetics of modern Ukrainian language. 3.Proficiency in the methodology of phonetic analysis; principles of collecting, accumulating, processing, and searching for information. 4. Ability to transcribe text phonetically and work with dictionaries."
Course content
The goal of the discipline is to familiarize students with the fundamental concepts of Ukrainian dialectology, the interaction between the main forms of the Ukrainian language (literary and dialectal), and to provide knowledge about the systemic-structural features of the main dialects of the Ukrainian language, as well as the methods of their fixation and analysis. Students become acquainted with the basic concepts of dialectology, with particular attention to a detailed study of all dialects within the three dialect areas of the Ukrainian language, and the exploration of small ethnic groups among Ukrainians (Lemkos, Hutsuls, Boykos, etc.). Students work with dictionaries of dialectal vocabulary, dialectal texts, literary works, and publications created on a dialectal basis. They also familiarize themselves with audio and video materials featuring dialect speakers.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Аркушин Г. Л. Західнополіська діалектологія: навчальний посібник з регіональної діалектології для студентів спеціальності «Українська мова і література». Луцьк, 2012. 2. Аркушин Г.Л. Словник західнополіських діалектизмів у художній літературі. Луцьк, 2018. 3. Бевзенко С. П. Українська діалектологія. К., 1980. 4. Жилко Ф. Т. Нариси з діалектології української мови. К., 1966. 5. Матвіяс І. Г. Українська мова і її говори. К. : Наукова думка, 1990. 6. Монахова Т. В. Українська діалектологія : навч. посібн. Миколаїв, Вид во ЧДУ ім. Петра Могили, 2010. 7. Панцьо С. Є. Українська діалектологія: Практикум : навч.-метод. посіб. / Стефанія Панцьо. Тернопіль : Навчальна книга. Богдан, 2013. 8. Сердега Л. Р., Сагаровський А. А. Українська діалектологія : навч. посібн. Харків, 2011. 9. Суховій О. О. Українська діалектологія. Навчальний посібник для практичних занять. К. : Фенікс, 2014. 10. Хобзей Наталя. Наукові студії: діалектологія, етнолінгвістика, лексикографія. Львів, 2019.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Teaching methods: lecture, practical session, independent work. Educational activities: oral answer, written answer, abstract, report, presentation, recording of dialect speech, creative task: creating an artistic text with dialectisms, final control test.
Assessment methods and criteria
The form of final assessment is a credit. Depending on the type of work, a student can earn the following number of points: oral response – 1–6, written assignment (text analysis) – 1–5, essay, presentation, report – 1–10, recording of dialect speech – 1–10, creative task: creating an artistic text with dialectal elements – 1–10, final control task – 1–20. The credit grade is determined as the sum of all points accumulated during the semester: 0-59 – failed, 60-100 – passed.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oksana Oleksandrivna Sukhovii
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology