Onomastics of Modern Ukrainian Language: Spelling Norms

Course: "Ukranian and English language. Translation and Editing"

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Onomastics of Modern Ukrainian Language: Spelling Norms
ОК 14
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 10. Know the rules of standard language and be able to apply them in practice. PLO 12. Analyse language units, determine their interaction, and characterize linguistic phenomena and the underlying processes. PLO 17. Collect, analyse, systematize and interpret language and speech facts and use them to solve complex problems and tasks in specialized fields of professional activity and / or training.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Students should know the entire amount of material provided by the course program: "Introduction to Linguistics", "SUM Lexicology and Phraseology: Practice of Word Usage", "SUM Phonetics: Orthoepic Norms", as well as the basics of word formation and morphology of the Ukrainian language. Be able to perceive and analyze information about the basic concepts of linguistics; highlight relevant and reliable material in the information field; use interactive and multimedia tools, use previously acquired knowledge and skills in the process of collecting, describing, analyzing and spelling own names. Have basic skills of working with information in Internet resources; critical attitude to the analyzed phenomena; use of professional sources; the method of phonetic and lexical analysis; skills of seminal and semasiological analysis of the word; the practice of word usage and orthographic norms; principles of collection, accumulation, processing and search of linguistic material.
Course content
The subject of the academic discipline is the study of the nature and essence of proper names in semantic-word-forming, functional and pragmatic aspects. The purpose of the discipline is to acquaint students with different classes of onyms, modern directions of their research, their place in the lexical system of the Ukrainian language; to develop the skills and abilities of spelling and declension of proper names, working with various dictionaries; to teach students to characterize onyms in terms of structure, lexical base, semantics, function and connotation, to analyze the role of proper names in modern nomination processes, to successfully apply them in public communication. The training course consists of two parts: 1) Onomastics as a branch of linguistics. Anthroponomics. Spelling and declension of anthroponyms; 2) Toponymy. Other sections of onomastics. Spelling and declension of toponyms and proper names of other classes.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1) Герасимчук В.А., Нечипоренко А.Ф. Антропоніми: історія і сучасність: навч. посіб. Кам’янець-Подільський, 2002. 2) Кравченко Л.О. Українська ономастика: антропоніміка: навч. посіб. К., 2014. 3) Скорук І.Д. Курсова та дипломна роботи з ономастики: навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. Луцьк, 2014. 4) Демчук М.О. Слов’янські автохтонні особові власні імена в побуті українців XIV-XVII ст. К., 1988. 5) Керста Р.Й. Українська антропонімія XVII ст. Чоловічі іменування. К., 1984. 6) Худаш М.Л. З історії української антропонімії. – К.: Наук. думка, 1977. 7) Кравченко Л.О. Практикум // Українська ономастика: антропоніміка : навч. посіб. К., 2014. С. 189–233. 8) Скрипник Л.Г., Дзятківська Н.П. Власні імена людей. Словник-довідник. К., 1996. 9) Словник гідронімів України. К., 1979. 10) Редько Ю. К. Довідник українських прізвищ, 1968: http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/DovUkrPr_1968/DovUkrPr_1968.pdf 11) Український правопис. К., 2019: http://pravopys.net
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Verbal, visual, interactive and practical methods of learning: lecture, practical training, independent work. Educational activities during the semester: tasks performed in the process of independent work; answers in practical classes; addition, participation in the discussion; writing tests; blitz survey; performance of creative tasks; writing a test paper; preparation and defense of the presentation.
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment: The overall grade for the semester consists of the points received for the classroom work (which synthesizes and independent work on processing theoretical material for preparation for the classroom: homework, oral answers in practical classes - max. 5 points in each of 7 classes, additions - max. 2 points in each of 3 sessions, Blitz survey - max 2 points in each of 2 sessions, presentation defense - max 5 points, writing tests - max 7 points, writing module test - max 10 points, and final control work - max. 20 points) and for independent work (fulfillment of creative tasks - max. 4 points for each of 2 works, presentation preparation - max. 5 points). The maximum number of points is 100 points, and the minimum is 60. Final assessment: credit. The credit is issued based on the results of the student's work during the semester. If the student scored less than 60 points, he works on the missed topics in written and oral forms.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Liudmyla Oleksandrivna Kravchenko
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology