Social Work

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Social Work
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO9. To propose own solutions of psychological problems in a professional context, to argue own point of view. LO11. To elaborate and implement the consultative plan according to the specificity of the request and individual characteristics of the client, to establish the effectiveness of own actions. LO12. To compile and implement a program of psychoprophylactic, educational activities and psychological help activities in the form of lectures, talks, round tables, games, trainings, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the customer. LO13. To interact, communicate, to be clear, tolerant to people with different cultural, age or gender-specific characteristics. LO17. To demonstrate socially responsible and conscious behavior, follow humanistic and democratic values in professional and social activities.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know: • basic forms of working with clients; • age characteristics of client groups; • socio-psychological features of clients; • features of establishing contact with clients. To be able: • to establish contact with clients; • to apply techniques during the working with clients; • to provide socio-psychological support; • to maintain friendly and partnership relations with other organizations, colleagues, clients.
Course content
The discipline is aimed at forming basic representations about the specifics of social work and finding a psychologist's place in the social sphere. In the process of studing, students master the peculiarities of working with clients of different age groups, from childhood to old age, learning the basic social technologies of working with each category. The special attention is paid to the processes and mechanisms of satisfying basic needs (welcoming, social, emotional) at each stage of human development. Part of the discipline is devoted to the study of the psychologist's place in the system of social services, the possibilities of cooperation and the involvement of specialists in the work of state and non-state social organizations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Konsultuvannia v systemi psykhosotsialnoi dopomohy ditiam i simiam, shcho opynylys u skladnykh zhyttievykh obstavynakh vnaslidok viiskovykh dii / avt. kol ; zah. red. V. H. Panok, I. I. Tkachuk. Kyiv : UNMTs praktychnoi psykholohii i sotsialnoi roboty, 2019. 144 s. [in Ukrainian] 2. Osnovy sotsialnoi roboty iz liudmy z invalidnistiu / za red. A. M. Lovochkinoi. Zhytomyr : Vydavnytstvo O. O. Yevenok. 2021. 248 s. [in Ukrainian] 3. Psykholohiia sotsialnoi roboty : pidruchnyk / za red. Yu. M. Shvalba. Kyiv : VPTs Kyivskyi universytet. 2014. 272 s. [in Ukrainian] 4. Semyhina T. Suchasna sotsialna robota. Kyiv: Akademiia pratsi, sotsialnykh vidnosyn i turyzmu, 2020. 275 s. [in Ukrainian] 5. Tekhnolohii sotsialnoi roboty i sotsialnoi dopomohy v umovakh transformatsiinoho periodu: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk / za zah. red. A. O. Polianychko, A. V. Kyryliuk. Sumy : FOP Tsoma, 2020. 336 s. [in Ukrainian]
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, independent work, group discussion, educational game, watching educational videos
Assessment methods and criteria
Writing a critical essay, passing a survey, participating in group work. Assessment during the semester: answers at seminars – up to 5 points, writing critical essays - up to 7 points, participating in group discussion - up to 5 points, preparation of an action plan for social work for a certain group of clients - up to 10 points. The form of final control is a credit. The maximum score is 40 points, the minimum is 24 points. Based on the results of the work during the semester, the student receives a final grade on a 100-point system, which is calculated as the sum of grades for the semester and grades for the credit: 0-59 – failed 60-100 – passed
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Yuriy Mykhailovych Schwalb
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology