Social technologies of work in the community

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Social technologies of work in the community
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 3. To identify, formulate and solve problems in the field of social work, to integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience. LO 5. To argue ways to overcome problems and difficult life circumstances theoretically, to choose effective methods to solve them, to predict the consequences. LO 10. To analyze socio-psychological processes in small and large groups. LO 20. To identify ethical dilemmas and contradictions in professional activities and to use supervision to resolve them.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Students shall know the basic concepts and categorical apparatus of the discipline "Social Psychology", "Social Work in the Community", know the methods of social work in the community. 2. They shall be able to analyze changes in the community from the point of view of socio-psychological knowledge; correctly apply methods and technologies of social work in the community, etc.; apply the acquired knowledge in the practical field. 3. They shall have the skills to draw up a questionnaire for conducting a public opinion survey regarding social work in the community and social changes in the community
Course content
The course purpose "Social technologies for the development of territorial communities" is to acquaint students with the main directions and aspects of social work in the community and teach them to apply methods and forms of social work in the community in practice.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Batanov O.V. Terytorialna hromada – osnova mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v Ukraini. Monohrafiia. – K., 2001. 260 s. 2.Bezpalko O.V. Sotsialna robota v hromadi: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Kyiv: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2005. – 176 s. 3.Vlada i hromada: spivpratsia vlady i hromadskosti u vyrishenni mistsevykh problem/ A.Tkachuk, V.Artemenko, R.Rukomeda. – K.: In-t hromad. Susp-va, 2004. –88s. 4.Volontery v sotsialnii roboti/ Uporiad.: O.Hlavnyk, N.Romanova, T.Druzhchenko 5.Hordiienko L.O. Hromada yak odyn iz pedahohichnykh chynnykiv u sotsialnomu vykhovanni molodi Velykoi Brytanii // Naukovyi chasopys NPU im. Drahomanova. Seriia 11. Sotsiolohiia. Sotsialna robota. Sotsialna pedahohika. Upravlinnia. : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – Vyp.1 (23). – K.: NPU, 2004. – S 61-67. 6.Hromada yak oseredok sotsialnoi roboty z ditmy ta simiamy: Metod. materialy dlia trenera/ O.V.Bezpalko ta inshi; Pid I.D.Zvierievoi. – k.: Nauk.svit, 2004. –69s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, practical class, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment methods: recitations (speeches at the seminar, participation in discussions and debates, additional remarks), analytical reports, creative independent work, final test. Form of final control - credit. Organization of evaluation: Evaluation is carried out during the semester for all types of work. The maximum number of points for work during a semester is 100. The credit is granted based on the results of the student's work during the semester. Students who scored totally less than 60 points during the semester, but more than the critical minimum of 40 points shall pass the test. The test is estimated at a maximum of 20 points. Students who scored during the semester lower points than the critical-calculated minimum - 40 points are not allowed to take the test. The recommended minimum for admission to the test is 40 points. Rating scale: 0-59 - not credited; 60-100 - credited.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Antonina Mykhailivna Levochkina
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology