
Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 10. To analyze socio-psychological processes in small and large groups.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before studying this course, students should know the main stages and characteristics of the historical and cultural process; have basic factual knowledge of the humanities and social sciences. 2. Be able to collect and interpret information about phenomena and phenomena of society, social processes and events; apply basic concepts in the analysis of social, political, economic, legal phenomena and processes; identify modern features of coexistence of human communities and societies in the context of globalization; plan and evaluate their own work; use interactive and multimedia tools. 3. Possess the skills of working with humanitarian texts; producing complex oral and written messages; interaction and cooperation in learning in search situations.
Course content
The discipline introduces students to philosophical thought, in its historical development and current state and in its systemic and theoretical form, as a fundamental way of cultural reflection and comprehension of the foundations of being, cognition and human activity, ensuring the autonomy of the mind, opening up the possibilities of thinking and intellectual search, and human self-determination.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Filosofiya: navchal"nyj posibnyk dlya studentiv humanitarnyx fakul"tetiv. kol. avtoriv; ker. avtor. kol. A.O.Pryyatel"chuk. - K.: Vadeks, 2021. 560 s. 2. Istoriya filosofiyi: Pidruch. / Za red. V.I Yaroshovcya. - K. “Kyyivs"kyj universytet”, 2007. 3. Filosofiya istoriyi: Pidruch. / I.V. Bojchenko - K.: Znannya, 2000. - 723s. 4. Filosofiya: Navch. posib. / L.V. Hubers"kyj, I.F. Nadol"nyj, V.P. Andrushhenko ta in.; za red. I.F. Nadol"noho. - 8-me vyd., ster. - K.: Vikar, 2011. 5. Filosofiya: Pidruch. / V.L.Petrushenko - 4-te vyd., vypravl. i dopovn. - L"viv, 2009. - 506s. 6. Filosofiya: svit lyudyny: Kurs lekcij: Navch. posibnyk dlya studentiv vyshhij navchal"nyx zakladiv. / V.Tabachkovs"kyj, M.Bulatov, N.Xamitov. - K.: Lybid", 2004.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral presentation and participation in seminar discussions: 14/21 points 2. Individual work (research of problems of human development, society, politics, economics, culture): 16/24 points. 3. Control work: 6/15 points In case of seminar absence the student must complete the assignment in writing. Final assessment in the form of a written exam: 24/ 40 points. The question paper consists of 3 questions, each of which is evaluated on a scale of 13-14 points, which makes a total of 40 points. A student is not allowed to take the exam if he or she scored less than 36 points during the semester. In order to be admitted to the exam, a student must pass the tests and the humanitarian workshop. To obtain an overall positive grade in the discipline, the exam score cannot be less than 24 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline