Course: Information Security of Telecommunication Systems and Networ (master's degree)

Structural unit: Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems

ОК 02
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
The student must know the subject, teaching methods, theoretical foundations, reasons for the formation of professional ethical research developed in modern humanities, criteria for distinguishing applied, professional and corporate ethics, the principles of moral and normative support of various professional spheres, the connection between professional culture and professional morality as the basis of professional ethics, the connection between professional culture and professional morality as the basis of professional ethics, means and methods of overcoming the gap between general moral principles and requirements of corporate ethics. The student must be able to demonstrate knowledge of the literature on ethics, competently identify moral conflicts, and reasonedly choose solutions to open moral dilemmas, give an expert assessment of motives, norms, value guidelines of professional behavior and activities, form ways out of difficult moral-professional or moral-psychological situations
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of the course is based on knowledge of such disciplines of the "bachelor" educational level as: "History of Ukrainian culture", "Psychology", "Sociology", etc. 2. Be able to process information about the specifics of moral and professional problems, duties and deontology in professional activity, moral dilemmas, complex moral and psychological conflict-generating factors of joint activity in the professional sphere and corporate culture; apply basic concepts, categories in the analysis of socio-cultural phenomena and processes 3. Possess elementary skills of scientific research and information management; analysis, critical attitude and forecasting prospects for solving socio-cultural, moral-ethical, moral-psychological problems of personal development and social functioning
Course content
The educational discipline "Professional and corporate ethics" contributes to the formation of personal competencies of a specialist who is ethically educated and morally oriented in the performance of professional duties. Ethical knowledge and ethical competence are requirements of modern society. Increasing the role of the ethical component in the development of society, practicing the skills of its implementation in the professional activity of a specialist determines the relevance and importance of this discipline, determines the development of cognitive and analytical capabilities of master's students, which will contribute to the deepening of their professional skills and professional culture, the implementation of humanistic, ethically balanced approaches to the organization content and nature of professional activity.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Етика. Естетика. Навч. посіб./ за наук. ред.. Панченко В.І. – К. «Центр учбової літератури», 2014. 2. Малахов В.А. Етика спілкування: Навч.посібник. – К.: Либідь, 2006. 3. Основи етики управління. – Х., 2009. 4. Прикладна етика. Навч.посіб./ За наук. ред. Панченко В.І. – К., 2012. 5. Теоретичні проблеми сучасної етики: навч. посіб. для студ. ВНЗ / [Т.Г. Аболіна, І.В. Васильєва, А.М. Єрмоленко та ін.]. – 2-ге переробл. та доповн. К.: ВД «Авіцена», 2013.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, independent individual work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The semester number of points is formed by the points received by the student in the process of learning the material from two parts and performing independent work. Final evaluation in the form of credit: the final number of points in the discipline (maximum 100 points), which is determined as the sum of points for systematic work during the semester. The credit is given based on the results of the student's work throughout the semester and consists of the sum of the semester's number of points and the final test.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Galyna Petrivna Podolian
Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy