Tourism services quality management

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Tourism services quality management
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO1) Knowledge of advanced concepts, methods of research and professional activity on the border of the subject areas of tourism and recreation PLO4) Knowledge of patterns, principles and mechanisms of the functioning of the tourist market PLO5) Ability evaluate conjuncture tourist market, interpret the results research and to predict directions of development subject entrepreneurial activities in the field recreation and tourism PLO6) Ability carry out management the company tourism industry and recreation PLO7) Ability develop and implement projects in the field recreation, tourism, hospitality PLO14) Be able to accept decision in complex and unpredictable under the conditions that needs application new approaches and methods prognostication. PLO17) Initiate innovative complex projects, show leadership during their implementation
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastering of the disciplines "Organization of services", "Tour operating", "Organization of activities of a tourist enterprise", "Fundamentals of tourism economy", "Standardization and certification of services in tourism and resort business", "Regulation of tourist activity", "Marketing", "Management", "Economics of a tourist company", "Legal science and, "Finance". 2. To have the skills of analysis, synthesis, situation modeling, forecasting, comparison.
Course content
The educational discipline is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of creating a quality service at a tourist enterprise. The conceptual foundations of the problem of quality in tourism are considered, namely: the concept of the quality of tourist services and requirements for the quality of tourist services; quality criteria of tourist services; principles of modern service and factors affecting the quality of tourist service; regulatory and legal assurance of the quality of tourist services; process approach in quality management and methodological foundations of quality management. Special attention is paid to the practice of modern leadership strategies in quality, the concept of TQM and the features of quality assessment and management in the field of tourist services, namely: management of the quality of the tourist product; conditions for creating a quality service at a tourist enterprise; development, implementation and ensuring the functioning of the quality management system at the tourist enterprise; quality management systems at various types of tourist enterprises; quality management at various stages of business processes of a tourist enterprise.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Babarytska V., Malynovska O. Turopereitynh. Poniatiino-terminolohichni osnovy, servisne zabezpechennia tur produktu: Navch. pos. – K.: Alterpres, 2004. 2. Biznes-planuvannia: navch. posib. / T.H. Vasyltsiv, Ya.D. Kachmaryk, V.I. Blonska, R.L. Lupak. – K.: Znannia, 2013. – 207 s. 3. Zakharchyn H.M. Osnovy pidpryiemnytstva: navch. posib. / H.M.Zakharchyn. – 2-he vyd., pererobl. i dopovn. – K.: Znannia, 2013. – 407. 4. Kovi Stiven R. 7 zvychok nadzvychaino efektyvnykh liudei. / Per. Z anhl. O. Liubenko. – Kharkiv, 2012. – 384 s. 5. Kudla N.Ie.Upravlinnia yakistiu v turyzmi. – Lviv: TsUL, 2015. – 328 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical work, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
During the semester, blitz surveys are conducted at lectures and seminar classes to determine the level of assimilation of relevant knowledge, which in the end form up to 10% of the grade. - participation in discussions of relevant theoretical and applied problems of the discipline and presentation of the results of completed individual tasks (up to 5 points in total; - presentation (1 presentation, which is evaluated in max. 10 points; The presentation is evaluated according to the following criteria: - content part and disclosure of the topic - up to 5 points; - multimedia component and presentation of research results - up to 3 points; - answers to questions - up to 2 points. The maximum number of points on the exam is 40 points, the minimum number of points that are added to semester grades is 24 points (60% of the maximum points assigned to the exam)
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oksana Yuriivna Malynovska
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet