Crisis Management in Media: Physical Training

Course: Advertising and Public Relations

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism

Crisis Management in Media: Physical Training
061 «Журналістика»
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
- LO06.: Plan their activities and the activities of the team given the aims, limitations, and foreseeable risks. - LO18:. Use the necessary knowledge and technologies to manage crisis communication situations based on tolerance, dialogue, and cooperation. - LO23.: Use the necessary physical abilities and skills to manage crisis communication situations.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) Know the basics of communicative and media activity of a journalist; 2) Have basic knowledge of the safety essentials in an emergency acquired at life safety classes in high school; 3) Be able to distinguish and solve typical tasks of journalistic activity in various production and communication situations; 4) Have elementary skills in working with educational and academic sources.
Course content
Comprehensive course CC22 "Crisis Management in Media: Physical Training", the compulsory professional course for the specialty "Journalism", is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge of ensuring optimal conditions for the performance of professional journalistic duties in social, natural, and man-made environments, in particular, under martial law and active hostilities. It includes studying patterns of occurrence of hazards, their impact on life and health, provision of first aid in an emergency for a journalist. It is designed to form a comprehensive understanding of the safety standards in the field of media in students.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Afanasʹyeva N.YE. Osnovy psykhohihiyeny ta psykhoprofilaktyky: navch. pos. / N.YE. Afanasʹyeva. – KH.: NUTSZU, 2016. – 91 s. 2. Baryshpoletsʹ O. T. Mediakulʹtura osobystosti: sotsialʹno-psykholohichnyy pidkhid: navchalʹnyy posibnyk / O. T. Baryshpoletsʹ, L. A. Naydʹonova, H. V. Myronenko, O. YE. Holubeva, V. V. Rizun ta in.; Za red. L. A. Naydʹonovoyi, O. T. Baryshpolʹtsya. – K.: Milenium, 2009. – 440 s. 3. Hrydkovetsʹ L. Osnovy reabilitatsiynoyi psykholohiyi: podolannya naslidkiv kryzy: Navchalʹnyy posibnyk / L. Hrydkovetsʹ. Tom 3. – Kyiv, 2018. – 236 s. 4. Zhadan M.A. Psykhohihiyena ta psykhoprofilaktyka. Navch. posib./ M.A. Zhadan. – K.: Karavela, 2018. 5. Nauholʹnyk L. B. Psykholohiya stresu: pidruchnyk / L. B. Nauholʹnyk. – Lʹviv: Lʹvivsʹkyy̆ derzhavnyy̆universytet vnutrishnikh sprav, 2015. – 324 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Independent work, practical class, project work
Assessment methods and criteria
Knowledge monitoring follows a modular-rating system. During the semester, 50% accounts for in-class activities and 50% for independent work. Three content modules allow the student to earn the maximum total score of 100 points, of which 80% accounts for semester assignments, with a threshold of 48 points. The final assessment (credit) allows to earn a minimum of 12 points and a maximum of 20 points.
Language of instruction


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