Media Production: Content

Course: Advertising and Public Relations

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism

Media Production: Content
061 «Журналістика»
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know: 1.1 Features of news content for modern convergent media; criteria for newsworthiness of content, understand the relationship between content, data and facts, the genre diversity of news content. 1.2 Navigate the diversity of information sources and open databases. Be able to: 2.1 Search for and select news according to the requirements of different media; collect information that is necessary for writing materials; use different sources of information in a motivated manner; verify information sources. 2.2 Use the genre diversity of news journalism; determine the genre of future material for different types of media; design its structure. 2.3 Organise the work of the editorial office. 2.4 Consider the interests of target audience. Communication: 3.1 Work in a team, defend personal opinions with strong arguments. 3.2 Analyse the information product. Autonomy and responsibility: 4.1 Develop a comprehensive vision of the newsroom. 4.2 Establish feedback from the audience.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Basic knowledge of internet skills. 2. Awareness of the creative nature of the journalist's work. 3. Command of the basics of media literacy and critical thinking. 4. Ability to work in a team
Course content
The purpose of the course is to teach students the theoretical and practical principles of news content production, to introduce them to the activities of news agencies as producers of news content, to develop skills and abilities to deal with information sources, to introduce them to genre forms of news content. It is taught to first-year bachelor students of specialty 061 - Journalism. During the course of study students work on developing and improving their ability to create information content for different types of media, learn to generate news content on a given topic by using available and mandatory sources of information. The course consists of 2 thematic modules. The 1st thematic module "Textual Media Content" consists of 4 credits in 2 content modules and the 2nd thematic module "Visual Content" consists of 1 content module. The course includes knowledge of the structure of news content, the variety of genre forms used for its presentation, skills for working with diverse sources of information, open databases, the ability to verify information sources and media materials with the use of technological tools and programmes.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Nesteryak YU.M. Ahentsiyna zhurnalistyka. Kurs lektsiy. – K.: Instytut zhurnalistyky, 2009. – 185s. 2. Reuters Handbook of Journalism. – London, 2008. – 535 r. URL: 3. Abramson S. Dokaz zmovy. Yak Tramp zradyv Ameryku / Per.z anhl. A.Akulenko.–K.: Vydavnycha hrupa KM-BUKS, 2019. 552 s. 4. Balalayeva O.YU. Klasyfikatsiya zhanriv novynnoyi zhurnalistyky: vitchyznyani ta zarubizhni pidkhody. Visnyk Kharkivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina. Seriya: Sotsialʹni komunikatsiyi. 2017. № 12. S.36-39. 5. Kuznyetsova YE. Facebook ta ZMI: Yak ukrayinsʹki media vykorystovuyutʹ sotsmerezhu №1, a yak Facebook zminyuye ZMI. URL: (Data zvernennya: 15.02.2022). 6. The European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA). URL:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical classes, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is divided into 2 content modules. Each content module includes lectures, practical classes and independent work of students. At the end of the 1st semester, a final exam is conducted to assess the knowledge. Knowledge monitoring is carried out according to the ECTS system, which includes a two-level assessment of the material learned, in particular, the assessment of theoretical training - learning outcomes (knowledge), which accounts for 30% of the total score and the assessment of practical training - learning outcomes (skills, communication, autonomy and responsibility), which accounts for 50% of the total score. All working materials and required assignments are uploaded to Google Classroom. Students must upload their completed works within the deadlines specified for each assignment. Students receive the results of the assessed work on their account, and the final score is automatically calculated.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Yuliia Mykolayivna Nesteriak
Department of Public Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Public Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism