Educational Practice 2. Complex meteorologycal
Course: Meteorology
Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet
Educational Practice 2. Complex meteorologycal
ОК 31.
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Collect, process and analyze information in the field of Earth sciences (PLO01).
Be able to conduct field and laboratory studies of processes in the atmosphere and other geospheres (PLO05).
Justify the choice and use field and laboratory methods to analyze natural and anthropogenic systems and objects (PLO08).
Be able to perform research of the atmosphere and other geospheres using quantitative methods of analysis (PLO09).
Organize and summarize materials of field and laboratory research (PLO 11).
Be able to choose optimal methods and tools for research, data collection and processing (PLO15).
Be able to act professionally, safely and tolerantly in
difficult force majeure circumstances, in various
natural, socio-economic and
ethno-cultural conditions (PLO 20)
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
successful mastering of the discipline "Meteorology".
Course content
The training practice consists of three stages: 1) introductory and preparatory; 2) main - field; 3) final. Each day of the main stage involves meteorological and geophysical observations, which are usually carried out in the morning, and the desk part, during which the processing and systematization of the collected material and preparation of materials for writing a report is carried out in the afternoon.
The practice necessarily begins with a briefing on safety and labor protection in meteorology and a lecture "System of organization and methods of conducting stationary meteorological and geophysical observations". Practical classes on conducting a set of meteorological and geophysical observations are also a mandatory element of the practice.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Во д ч и ц ь О. Г . , З а т ул а В. І. Основи метеорології і кліматології. Київ: НАУ, 2017.
360 с.
2. Гідрометеорологічна служба в Україні. Київ, 2003. 12 с.
3. Клімат Києва / За ред. В.І. Осадчого, О.О. Косовця, В.М. Бабіченко. Киев: Ніка-Центр,
2010. 320 с.
4. Клімат України / За ред. В.М. Ліпінського, В.А. Дячука, В.М. Бабіченко. Київ: Вид-во
Раєвського, 2003. 343 с.
5. Настанова гідрометеорологічним станціям і постам. Вип. 3. Ч. 1. Метеорологічні
спостереження на станціях. Київ: Ніка-Центр, 2011. 280 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
survey in
oral interviews, performance of
tasks during the
the field stage
practice, defense
of the final report,
oral interview
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline